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Calculate Your Academic Footprint: Track Citations (Steps 3-5)

Step 3: Create Citation Subfolders

For each publication added to RefWorks, create a Citation Subfolder having the same name as the publication 

Citation Subfolders will give you a place to store citing works for your publications.

  1. Under each Master List folder, create one Citation Subfolder for every article, book, book chapter, conference proceeding, etc. 

    Each subfolder needs to sit under the Master List folder in order to help you tally your citation counts at the end (see step 8).
  2. An easy way to create individual subfolders for each publication is to copy/paste the title from the database to RefWorks.

    The Create Subfolder option is available via the New Folder pop-up box:

    New Folder pop-up box in RefWorks. "Create Subfolder" option is located after "New Folder Name"

Step 4: Add Citing Works to RefWorks

Identify the number of times each publication has been cited in a particular database

1. Return to the database you used and locate one of your publications.

  1. Note the title of your article, book, book chapter, etc, and look for a citation link (Times Cited/Cited By/Citations).
    For example, Web of Science links like this can be found along the right side of the search results list:

 Citation link in Web of Science, reads: "Times Cited: 15 (from Web of Science Core Collection).

  1. Click on the citation link to bring up works citing your work.
  2. Select all the citing articles and export them to RefWorks. They will be sent to your Last Imported folder.

2. Select all Last Imported records and place them in the appropriate Citation Subfolder.

3. Return to the search results list and repeat the process with the next publication.


It is also important to review citing documents captured by Google Scholar to screen out the types of documents you do not want to include, such as papers in other languages, advertorials, fact files, peer reviewed trade publications, webpages or PDFs sponsored or produced by companies, posters etc.

Step 5: Create Citation Alerts

For each publication, set up a Citation Alert within each database

  1. Returning to the database, locate one of your works and click on the title. This will bring you to the page that contains the abstract. Look for the Set Alert or e-Alert button and create a citation alert. This will set up an email alert in that database that will notify you each time your work is cited by someone else.
    For example, this Scopus citation alert link is found on the right sidebar:

    Scopus citation alert link reads “Inform me when this document is cited in Scopus: Set citation alert.”
  2. When your work is cited you can then export the citing article to the appropriate Citation Subfolder.
  3. Be sure to set up Citation Alerts for each of your publications within each database you have used to determine citation counts!


In Scopus, you will not be able to create an alert for any items that show up via Scopus' Secondary Documents feature. Therefore, you will need to make note of these titles and manually check them to see if there are any new citing articles to be exported to a RefWorks Citation Subfolder.