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Tax Policy Research: Government & Miscellaneous Resources

U.S. & International Legal Information

U.S. and various international legislation and court cases (aka case law) can be accessed in Nexis Uni (formerly LexisNexis Academic).


CANLII, the Canadian Legal Information Institute

As taken from

Legal Cases

The website provides access to court judgments from all Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, federal courts, and the courts in all Canada’s provinces and territories. also contains decisions from many tribunals nationally.

CanLII started by publishing current cases, which courts and tribunals sent us as they were written starting in the early 2000s. For most Canadian courts, our collection now spans more than 18 years of these “organically acquired” cases.

We have also completed several projects to add historical cases with the goal of offering a comprehensive resource for jurisprudence for access to Canadian law. See this page to learn about our more recent additions of historical cases.

To see more detail about what our databases contain, please see this page.

Legislation contains the consolidated statutes and regulations of every jurisdiction in Canada. In the last few years, we have added annual statutes Federally and for the provinces of New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and Quebec.


Our companion website, CanLII Connects, hosts a database of case commentary and case summaries by the legal community. This commentary is linked to and from the caselaw on

Last but not least, we have a growing number of books, law journals, articles, reports, and other resources available electronically in’s Commentary section. Click here to browse this content.