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444 Databases

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The online library includes the a+t flagship periodical from issue 29, all of the book publications, and its new card decks.
Coverage: 2007 - present
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a+t, founded in Spain in 1992, is an independent architecture publisher.
Its publications are bilingual in English and Spanish.
AAMI develops consensus standards, technical information reports, and other technical documents, that are largely used in the healthcare field.

Articles on business and management from U.S. and international journals and trade magazines, including company histories, competitive intelligence, and product development.
Coverage: 1971 - present

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Includes scholarly journals, trade magazines, working papers, market research, and company profiles.

Primary Sources
Search anti-enslavery newspapers published in Windsor (Sandwich), Chatham, and Toronto, Ontario (Canada West) by Black abolitionists.
Coverage: 1851 - 1876

Articles on the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects.
Coverage: 1980 - present

Access Engineering is an engineering-focused reference platform that provides access to e-books for academics, students, and professionals.
Coverage: varies
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AccessEngineering is an engineering-focused reference platform that provides access to e-books for academics, students, and professionals. Includes textbooks like Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook; Datavis, a data visualization tool; and hundreds of faculty-created videos.

Note: Available to students, faculty and staff at the University of Waterloo. Depending on your method of access, you may be asked to authenticate as a member of the UWaterloo community.
Textbooks, case files, study tools, calculators, lab test information, and an integrated drug database.
Coverage: varies
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AccessPharmacy allows students to select a core curriculum topic, browse by organ system, review textbooks, or search across leading pharmacy online references. Tools include calculators, lab test information, and an integrated drug database.
Ebooks published by the Association for Computing Machinery. Covers a wide
range of Computer Science research.
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ACM Books is a series of scholarly research monographs and graduate-level
texts, authored by computer scientists and practitioners at the forefront of
computing technology and includes books across the entire spectrum of
computer science.

Conference proceedings, books, articles, magazines, newsletters, and multimedia titles relating to computing and information technology.
Coverage: 1947 - present

Digital Copy Permitted

Electronic Link Permitted

eReserves Permitted Yes

ILL e-copy Yes

ILL Permitted Yes

LEARN Use Permitted Yes

Perpetual Access Right Yes

Print copy Permitted

Scholarly sharing No

Text and Data Mining Permitted No

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ACM Digital Library contains bibliographic information on ACM publications since 1947 and includes full-text of documents where available. Works published by affiliated organizations are included on a selected basis.

Peer-reviewed journals published by the American Chemical Society (ACS). 
Coverage: 1879 - present

Digital Copy Permitted

Electronic Link Permitted

eReserves Permitted Yes

ILL e-copy Yes

ILL Permitted Yes

LEARN Use Permitted Yes

Perpetual Access Right Yes

Print copy Yes

Scholarly sharing Yes

Text and Data Mining Permitted Ask

Digital library portal for researchers in Astronomy and Physics. Find Abstracts and full-text of major astronomy and physics publications.
Coverage: 1975 - present
To access articles paid for by Waterloo: create an account, open your "Settings", click "Library Link Server" and add Waterloo. Look for "My Institution" in the paper's record to be linked to full text.
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The ADS maintains three bibliographic databases containing more than 9.2 million records: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and arXiv e-prints. The main body of data in the ADS consists of bibliographic records, which are searchable through highly customizable query forms, and full-text scans of much of the astronomical literature which can be browsed or searched via our full-text search interface. Integrated in its databases, the ADS provides access and pointers to a wealth of external resources, including electronic articles, data catalogs and archives.
Primary Sources
Black South African Magazines is the first and only digital collection of magazines created for Black audiences in Africa from 1937 to 1973. Find over 50,000 pages of extremely rare, yet historically significant magazines, written for Black African audiences. Coverage includes Drum, Zonk!, The Townships Housewife, Hi-Note, and others.
Coverage: 1937-1973
Primary Sources
Africa Commons: History and Culture is a comprehensive database for searching and discovering African materials from 1500 to today. It indexes African organizations, collections, and documents from archives around the world. Find books, magazines, newspapers, historical journals, government documents, oral history, photographs, art, music, videos, and more.
Provides citations to agricultural literature. Agricola is now available through SEARCH from the USDA National Agricultural Library.
Coverage: 1970 - present
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Categories include animals, livestock, food, nutrition, education, laws, marketing, environment, plants, crops, research, and community development.
Open Access
Open Access

Bibliography and some full text of articles, monographs, book chapters, and grey literature including science and technical reports, theses, dissertations and conference papers.
Coverage: 1974 - present

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via Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Full-text access to journals covering physics, astronomy, electronics, engineering, materials science, mathematics and associated disciplines.
Coverage: 1975 - present
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Provides full-text access to journals published and distributed by the American Institute of Physics, American Physical Society, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International, International Society for Optical Engineering, and other science and engineering societies. Covers physics, astronomy, electronics, engineering, materials science, mathematics and associated disciplines.
News Sources: current
Tracks articles and other news pieces published in non-mainstream periodicals from the US and Canada.
Coverage: 1969 - present
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API indexes articles of 5 or more paragraphs, including: editorials, regular columns, essays, fiction; speeches, interviews, statistics, reprints; bibliographies, directories, resource lists; autobiographies, biographies, obituaries, memoirs; and reviews: book, film, record, TV, drama, arts, and multimedia.

Note: A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.
Identifies articles, book reviews, and dissertations on American and Canadian history and culture from prehistoric times to the present.
Coverage: mid 1950s - present
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Note: A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.
Indexes journal articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, dissertations, online resources, and selected government publications on East-Central Europe.
Coverage: 1990 - present
Research journals from the American Geophysical Union. Focuses on the Earth and environment.
Coverage: varies
Primary Sources
This database includes FBI files related to the surveillance of the American Indian Movement (AIM), a social protest group originating in Minnesota and expanding outside of Minnesota.
Coverage: 1969-1979
More Info
The American Indian Movement and Native American Radicalism
includes FBI documentation on the evolution of AIM as an organization of
social protest, as well as valuable documentation on the 1973 Wounded Knee
standoff. Informant reports and materials collected by the Extremist
Intelligence Section of the FBI provide insight into the motives, actions,
and leadership of AIM and the development of Native American radicalism.
Over 19,000 biographies of significant, influential or notorious figures from American history written by prominent scholars
Primary Sources
A digital archive of general interest magazines, literary and professional journals, children's and women's magazines and other periodicals.
Coverage: 1740 - 1940
Interface for searching articles in leading international physics research journals.
Coverage: Varies
Primary Sources
Reports, publications, and news broadcasts covering racial justice in the United States and US race relations with Latin America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Coverage: 1941 - 1996
Video and Images
Provides interactive 3D anatomy views covering the whole body.
Coverage: Current
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Choose from over 290 interactive 3D anatomy views, including 148 trigger points, covering the whole body. Over 75 animations cover many common movements such as flexion, extension, adduction and abduction for the head and neck, upper extremity, trunk, pelvis and lower extremity. Each animation can be exported into PowerPoint for presentations or teaching. It includes gross motor movement animations and a library of more than 80 surface anatomy movies show the muscle action for real-life context. This popular and versatile digital resource, featuring an interactive 3D skeleton, brings functional anatomy to life using accurate 3D anatomy and animation.

Note: Access Available to current faculty, students and staff of the University of Waterloo
Citations to books, journal articles, critical editions of literary works, book reviews and collections of essays published anywhere in the world from 1920 onwards.
Coverage: 1920 - present
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May be searched along with the other resources in Literature Online.
Annual Reviews
Alumni Access
Alumni Access

Critical reviews within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences including Economics.
Coverage: 1996 - present

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Since 1932, Annual Reviews has offered comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for 30 focused disciplines.

Identify publications relating to social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies.
Coverage: 1880s - present
Articles and book reviews from anthropology journals of the American Anthropological Association.
Coverage: 1889 - present
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Developed by the American Anthropological Association (AAA), AnthroSource includes: Current issues for 11 of the AAA's peer-reviewed publications including American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Anthropology and Humanism, Archeological Publications of the American Anthropological Association, Cultural Anthropology, Ethos, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Quarterly, NAPA Bulletin and PoLAR: The Political and Legal Anthropology Review. It also includes a complete electronic archive of all AAA journals through 2003.
Platform for behavioral and social science content from the American Psychological Association.
Coverage: 1880s - present
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This online platform hosts multiple resources.
Primary Sources
English translations of news broadcasts and publications on the reaction to apartheid throughout the African continent and from around the world.
Coverage: 1946 - 1996
Primary Sources
Research sexual and gender norms, the development of sex education, the rise of sexology, social movements, and more. Includes newsletters, government documents, posters, and pamphlets.
Coverage: 1600s - present
More Info
We have access to these four collections within this archive:
LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part I
LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940, Part II
Sex and Sexuality, Sixteenth to Twentieth Century
International Perspectives on LGBTQ Activism and Culture
Primary Sources
Search discrete, topic-based collections focusing on civil and labour rights movements in the United States (USA).
Coverage:1950s - 1970s
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UWaterloo Library has access to four collections: Fannie Lou Hamer; Quest for Labor Equality; Ralph J Bunch Oral Histories Collection on Civil Rights Movement; and We Were Prepared for the Possibility of Death.
Articles on art, art history, advertising art, painting, graphic design, architecture, and museum studies.
Coverage: Indexing/abstract from 1929. Full Text 1995 - present
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Coverage includes English-language periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins, as well as periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Japanese, Spanish, Dutch, and Swedish. In addition to articles, this database indexes reproductions of works of art that appear in indexed periodicals.
Abstracts of journal articles, books, essays, exhibition catalogues, PhD dissertations, and exhibition reviews on all forms of modern and contemporary art.
Coverage: 1974 - present
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Scope begins with 19th century art movements and covers all aspects of modern and contemporary art, including performance art and installation works, video art, computer and electronic art, body art, graffiti, artists' books, theater arts, crafts, jewelry, illustration, and more, as well as the traditional fine arts of painting, printmaking, sculpture, and drawing.
Primary Sources
French literary texts ranging from classic works of French literature to various kinds of non-fiction prose and technical writing.
Coverage: 13th century- present
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These texts were originally used in France to aid in the preparation of a French dictionary, the Trésor de la langue française and made available through the University of Chicago. The 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries are equally represented. There is a smaller selection of 17th century, Medieval, and Renaissance texts. This collection lends itself to textual and etymological analysis as well as literary and cultural studies. Genres include novels, verse, theater, journalism, essays, correspondence, and treatises. Subjects include literary criticism, biology, history, economics, and philosophy.
Primary Sources
Video and Images
Collection of images of architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative art, design, and various forms of visual culture. Artstor's high-quality collections and key functionality are now on JSTOR.
Coverage: prehistoric - present
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ARTstor's software tools allow the viewing and analyzing of images through features such as zooming and panning, saving groups of images online for personal or shared uses, and creating and delivering both online and offline presentations.
Open Access
Open Access

A pre-print server which hosts papers (that have not been peer reviewed) relating to physics, mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, qualitative biology and statistics
Coverage: 1991 - present

Contains American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) journals, books, standards, conference proceedings, and manuals of practice.
Coverage: Journals 1995 - present; conferences 1998 or 2001 - present

Digital Copy Permitted

Electronic Link Permitted

eReserves Permitted Yes

ILL e-copy No

ILL Permitted No

LEARN Use Permitted Yes

Perpetual Access Right Yes

Print copy Yes

Scholarly sharing Permitted

Text and Data Mining Permitted No

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Technical and professional interest areas include aerospace, architectural, coastal and ocean, computing, construction, energy, geotechnical, hydraulic, materials, management, professional Issues, structural, transportation, urban planning, and water resources.

Asian American Drama
Alumni Access
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Full-text of plays (some not previously published). Database includes biographical, production, and theatrical information.
Coverage: 1891 - present

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Also includes selected playbills, production photographs and other ephemera related to the plays.

Mechanical engineering journals.
Coverage: Conferences - 2008 - present, Journals - 1970 - present
Provides standards and technical engineering information.
Coverage: varies
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The ASTM portal covers a broad range of engineering disciplines, including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, environmental, geological, health and safety, industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, soil science, and solar engineering.
Indexes journals, essays in multi-author works, and book reviews in the areas of religion and theology.
Coverage: 1949 - present
Search news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1869 - 1875; 1881 - 1945
Citations to periodicals published worldwide on archaeology, city planning, interior design, historic preservation and architecture.
Coverage: 1930's - present
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The Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals provides citations to more than 1,000 periodicals published worldwide on archaeology, city planning, interior design, and historic preservation, as well as architecture. File sources include The Getty Information Institute (GII) and the Avery Architectural & Fine Arts Library, Columbia.


Balsillie Papers
Open Access
Open Access

Clear, concise and peer-reviewed journal articles on international affairs, including but not limited to the governance of conflict and security; science, environment and technology, migration, economy, and social politics; multilateral institutions.

An index of baptismal fonts from the early Christian period to the 17th century.
Coverage: Early Christian period - 17th century
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An independent, academic research project affiliated with Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance project at the University of Toronto.
International (primarily German) research related to German language and literature.
Coverage: 1985 - present
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Also known as "Eppelsheimer-Köttelwesch," BDSL indexes books and periodicals. For issues published back to 1945/1953 - 1984, see the library catalogue.
Indexes scholarship relating to European and American visual arts from late antiquity to the present.
Coverage: 1973 - 2007
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The focus of the scholarship is broad encompassing painting, sculpture, drawing, prints, architecture, as well as decorative and applied arts: crafts, graphic arts, and folk and popular art among them. Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) includes and extends the coverage of its two predecessor art indexes: Répertoire d'Art et d'Archéologie (RAA) from 1973 to 1989 and International Repertory of the Literature of Art (RILA) from 1975 to 1989.
Indexes historical scholarship relating to the British Isles, the British Empire, and the Commonwealth. Time periods range from 55 BC.
Coverage: 1901 - present

Identifies over 700 writers and their works. Also included are secondary sources relating to English women writiers.
Coverage: 1500 - 1640

Indexes books, articles, and government documents about Indigenous peoples of North America, covering the 1500s to the present.
Coverage: 1500s - present
Provides natural history, biodiversity, and taxonomic literature.
Coverage: 1400s - present
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A consortium of natural history and botanical libraries that cooperate to digitize and make accessible the legacy literature of biodiversity held in their collections.

Publishes journals in science, technology, engineering, and medicine.
Coverage: 1997 - (varies by title)

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BioMed Central (BMC) is a science, technology and medicine publisher of peer-reviewed open access journals. The portfolio of journals spans all areas of biology, biomedicine and medicine and includes broad interest titles, such as BMC Biology and BMC Medicine alongside specialist journals, such as Retrovirology and BMC Genomics.

Indexes scholarly journals in the fields of biological, ecological and environmental science.
Coverage: Most 2001 - present
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BioOne provides a unique aggregation of titles that are produced by societies and non-commercial publishers. Major areas of coverage include: entomology, crustaceans, ecology, botany, ferns, lichen, ornithology, mosses, reptiles, and microbiology.
Comprehensive life histories for all bird species and families.
Coverage: Created by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Birds of the World (BOW) content was amassed from four major works: _Birds of North America, The Handbook of Birds of the World, Neotropical Birds,_ and_ _ Bird Families of the World. Included is the Macaulay Library, which contains the world’s largest collection of animal sounds as well as a rapidly growing photo and video library of animal behavior.
Black Drama
Alumni Access
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Full text of plays by writers from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries.
Coverage: 1850 - present

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Also includes selected playbills, production photographs and other ephemera related to the plays.

Primary Sources
Contains historical and current material and analysis relating to African-Americans, Africans, and the wider African Diaspora.
Coverage: 1800s - present
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Included are: *Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience in-depth essays examine interdisciplinary topics on the African experience throughout the Americas.

*International Index to Black Periodicals (IIBP) current and retrospective bibliographic citations and abstracts from scholarly journals and newsletters from the United States, Africa and the Caribbean, and full-text coverage of core Black Studies periodicals.

*The Chicago Defender the full text backfile, from 1910 to 1975, of the influential black newspaper The Chicago Defender.

*ProQuest Dissertations for Black Studies dissertations and Masters' theses examining a wide variety of topics and subject areas relating to Black Studies. Included are dissertations written between 1970 and 2004 at over 100 universities and colleges across the United States.

*Black Literature Index fiction, poetry and literary reviews published in 110 black periodicals and newspapers between 1827-1940.
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Non-fiction works by leading African-Americans. Includes monographs, essays, articles, speeches, letters and interviews.
Coverage: 1700s - present

Primary Sources
Find correspondence, speeches, event programs, oral histories, photos, and more relating to Black women’s rights, voting rights, and civic activism.
Coverage: 1850s - 1960s
More Info
Geographic focus: mainly United States but also Canada, Mexico, Caribbean and
Africa. This collection is part of the DPLA (Digital Public Library of America).
Video and Images
Find videos, reading lists, and more relating to the study and use of Black Language with a focus on African American language/speech practices. Sections include:* Black Language Magazine*, *Black Language Homework*, and *Black Language Demands*. Full title: #BlackLanguageSyllabus

Coverage: 1800s - present
More Info
From the website: "... a space for political discussions and praxis of Black Language as guided by the work of teacher-researcher-activists in classrooms and communities who stand against institutions that seek to annihilate Black Language + Black Life. [...]

#BlackLanguageSyllabus is for Black Language speakers who are looking to re-educate themselves about our mother tongue, academics and educators looking to reimagine their classroom curricula and pedagogies, and for anyone who is interested in learning about Black Language + Black liberation."
News Sources: current
News related to the Canadian federal government. Stories cover bills and regulations, reports, and committees.
Coverage: 2012 - present
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Access also includes: Federal Court Watch, Cabinet Watch, Lobby Watch, guest commentaries, and book reviews.
Book and Film Reviews
Find reviews of books on a wide range of topics, from a variety of sources.
Coverage: 1903 - present
Full text, references, updates, and graphics from sources in medicine, nursing, and pharmacology.
Coverage: 1988 - present
Primary Sources
Border and Migration Studies Online is a collection that explores and provides historical background to more than thirty key worldwide border areas. The fundamental themes associated with border and migration issues are covered such as the migrant crisis, refugee camps, human trafficking, women and children migrants and much more.
Coverage: 1800 to 2020
Search for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1872 - 1986
A collection of texts and commentary on fragments of the work of 856 Greek historians.
Coverage: ancient - present
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This edition of Jacoby is supplemented with English translations and critical commentary. Also includes an online edition of the original "Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker I-III."
Articles on the ancient world, including persons, places, institutions, events, artifacts, technical terms, ideas and concepts.
Coverage: 1850s - present
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English edition of "Der Neue Pauly"
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Full text of works from of over 400 women. Coverage also includes biographies and an extensive annotated bibliography.
Coverage: 1500 - 1950

Primary Sources
Facsimile images of literary manuscripts, including letters, diaries, drafts of poems, plays, novels, and other literary works.
Coverage: 1150 - 1900
Information to help building-industry professionals and policy makers improve the environmental performance, and reduce adverse impacts of buildings.
Coverage: current
Provides architectural drawings, photographs, articles and case studies of modernist and contemporary built works.
Coverage: 1990s - present
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BTO is a database of architectural drawings, photographs, articles and case studies of modernist and contemporary built works digitally reproduced from Birkhäuser publications, such as Details magazine. As the plans and drawings are vector-based they can be imported into various drafting, 3D modeling, and GIS software applications. Search options include full text, architect, building types, decade, height, country, author, urban context, and additional research criteria.
Primary Sources
The newspapers and news pamphlets gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney. Represents the largest collection of 17th and 18th century English news media.
Coverage: 17th and 18th Century
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The collection contains 700+ bound volumes of newspaper and news pamphlets that were published mostly in London. The collection also includes English provincial, Irish and Scottish papers, the American colonies, Europe and India.
Provides full-text coverage of top business, management and economics journals and periodicals.
Coverage: 1985 - present


Subject coverage: agricultural, animal and environmental sciences; food safety; ecoterrorism; climate change; ecotourism; pharmacology; physiology; toxicology; occupational health; gerontology; and policy recommendations.
Coverage: 1900s - present
Alumni Access
Alumni Access

A collection of French language periodicals in the social sciences and humanities disciplines.
Coverage: 2001 - present

Primary Sources
Description: Provides annotated modernized texts and ancillary material
(essays and archives, performance history, music scores, etc.).
Full text of more than 200 historical works covering a range of events, geographical areas, and topics.
Coverage: 1960 - present
A collection of peer-reviewed, leading journals across the sciences, social sciences and humanities.
Coverage: varies
Open Access

Access to court judgments, tribunal decisions, statutes and regulations from all Canadian jurisdictions.
Coverage: varies

Open Access

Indexes sources for information on all aspects of musical activity in Canada. Includes entries from Canadian music journals, newsletters and magazines.
Coverage: late 19th century - present

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Produced by the National Library of Canada.

Primary Sources
The Senate and House of Commons Debates, commonly known as "Hansard", contain the transcribed, edited, and corrected record of full deliberations of both Houses of Parliament.
Coverage: From Parliament 1, Session 1, 1867 until coverage on begins
Open Access

Find and access Canadian patents.

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The issue date is searchable from 1869 to the last updated date. The filing date is not available for patents registered prior to August 15, 1978. The priority date and the national entry date are not available for patents registered prior to October 1, 1989.

Full text articles on a range of topics from Canadian-focused journals, magazines, newspapaers and reference sources.
Coverage: 1988 - present
Indexes and, in many cases, provides links to Canadian government documents from federal and provincial departments and agencies.
Coverage: 1982 - present
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Most of the material identified in the Canadian Research Index corresponds to the "Microlog Collection" located in Dana Porter Library's microform area, 1st (basement) floor. These are filed with call numbers beginning with: CA7.P__. If you cannot find a title, or would like assistance using the micro collection or microscanner, please, just ask Library staff.
CSA provides full-text access to Canadian standards and codes.
Coverage: 1931 - present
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Users are permitted to download PDF’s, but not codes and standards”. Users off campus can only use the “view online” option.
Alumni Access Open Access
Alumni Access Open Access
Primary Sources

Find documents from 1st European contact to recent student activism, including items relating to Indigenous-settler relations, cookbooks, women's writings, and more.
Coverage: Pre-1970

The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) provides bibliographic records of U.S. Government information products.
Coverage: 1994 - present
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The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) is a search and retrieval service that provides bibliographic records of U.S. Government information products. Use it to link to Federal agency online resources or identify materials distributed to Federal depository libraries. Coverage begins with January 1994 and new records are added daily. New Electronic Titles contains online titles that are the latest entries in the Catalog or are in the queue to be added to it.
News Sources: current
Full text of journal, magazine, and newspaper articles relating to business, culture, current events, education, language, agriculture, history, and politics in Canada.
Coverage: 1982 - present
Provides access to occupational health and safety resources via MSDS, CHEMINFO, FTSS, RTECS, and OSH References.
Coverage: current
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Includes content from: MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets from manufacturers and suppliers); CHEMINFO (health and safety information on pure chemicals); FTSS (Fiche techniques sur la sécurité des substances); RTECS (Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances); OSH References: OSHLINE, NIOSHTIC, NIOSHTIC-2, HSELINE, CISILO; and Canadian enviroOSH Legislation
Alternate Name(s):TSX Database

Includes daily and monthly Toronto Stock Exchange trading information about specific securities as well as information on "price adjustments" such as dividends, stock splits, recapitalizations, etc. The database also includes daily and monthly indexes containing information on daily and monthly index levels as well as selected other financial markets information. The database is divided into two parts: common and preferred equities.

Primary Sources
A free submission, distribution, and archive service for unpublished preprints in chemistry and related areas
Coverage: currrent
Primary Sources
Search this African American, Caribbean, and African focused paper for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1909 - 1975
Search for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1847 - 1994
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

English-language materials on China and the West. Includes written documents, paintings, drawings and maps.
Coverage: 1793 - 1980

Book and Film Reviews
Search for reviews of academic books, media, and online resources. Areas of scholarly include the humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and science and technology.
Coverage: 1988 - present
Search for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1908 - 2004
Full text documents on the environment & energy, innovation & productivity, Internet governance & jurisdiction, conflict management & security, summits & institutions, trade & finance.
Coverage: 2000s - present
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CIGI is based in Waterloo, Ontario.
Provides comprehensive coverage of the literature related to public health and allied health disciplines.
Coverage: 1981 - present
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Offers complete coverage of English language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses' Association, this database covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. In addition, CINAHL offers access to health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, educational software, audiovisuals and book chapters.
Search works of Black academics in a wide variety of fields. New submissions welcome.
Coverage:1990s - present
A scientific literature digital library and search engine focusing on literature in computer and information science.
Coverage: varies
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CiteSeerX attempts to provide algorithms, metadata, services, techniques, and software that can be used in other digital libraries. CiteSeer indexes PostScript and PDF research articles on the Web.
Alumni Access

Collection of classical music recordings, reference material, program notes, biographies of composers, and images.
Coverage: varies

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Note: A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.

Data and Statistics
Primary Sources
Video and Images
Combines climate science, mapping, and storytelling together with Indigenous Knowledges and community-based research and video.
Articles on evidence-based medicine, including systematic reviews, clinical trials and health technology assessments.
Coverage: current
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The Cochrane Library consists of a regularly updated collection of evidence-based medicine databases, including The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews - evidence based systematic reviews prepared by the Cochrane Collaboration which provide high quality information to people providing and receiving care and those responsible for research, teaching, funding and administration at all levels.
Open Access

Citations to journals, books, technical reports and conference proceedings on cold regions science and technology.
Coverage: 1996 - present

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The Antarctic Bibliography (1950 - 2011) covers all disciplines related to the region including biological and geological sciences, medical sciences, meteorology, oceanography, atmospheric and terrestrial physics, expeditions, logistics equipment and supplies, and tourism. The Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Technology (early 1900's - 2011) includes references to scientific and engineering research related to material and operations in a winter battlefield, the nature and impact of cold on facilities and activities, cold-related environmental problems, and the impact of human activity on cold environments.

Published by Morgan & Claypool

An information service for the research, development and educational community in the life sciences.
Coverage: varies
Primary Sources
Documents of the association linked to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Search minutes, correspondence, reports, and candidates' books.
Coverage: 1861 - 1967
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Geographic coverage includes: India, China, Japan, Madagascar, Borneo, Burma
(Myanmar), Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Korea.
Papers, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs relating to international affairs.
Coverage: 1991 - present
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Find working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from non-governmental organizations, foundation-funded research projects, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs. CIAO also includes case studies written by international affairs experts, course packs of background readings for history and political science classes.
Articles, books, and conference proceedings in the communications field, including advertising and public relations, linguistics, and literature.
Coverage: 1900 - present
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CMMC offers full text and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for journals covering communication, mass media, linguistics, discourse, rhetoric, sociolinguistics, communication theory, language, logic, organizational communication and other closely related fields of study. This resource incorporates the content of CommSearch (formerly produced by the National Communication Association) and Mass Media Articles Index (formerly produced by Penn State) along with numerous other top journals in communication and media studies.
Provides access to leading business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries.
Coverage: 1980 - present
More Info
Computer Database is a source for computer-related product introductions, news and reviews in areas such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications and the application of technology.
Research reports, economic studies, and webinars covering economic trends, public policy, and organizational performance.
Coverage: 1999 - present
A web-based software that streamlines the production of systematic reviews and other comprehensive literature reviews. It supports citation screening, full text review, risk of bias assessment, extraction of study characteristics and outcomes, and the export of data and references.
Standards and guidance collection of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Coverage: current
More Info
A complete electronic collection of CPA Canada's official pronouncements. Provides up-to-date information on the accounting and assurance standards, the implementation of IFRS, Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises, the Canadian Auditing Standards. Search: Accounting Handbook, Assurance Handbook, Public Sectior Accounting Handbook and other resources.
Detailed drug and disease information, drug-food interactions, drug-drug interactions, calculators, dosing tools, and patient handouts.
Coverage: current
Property data on chemical compounds and all physical particles that have
been reported in the literature; reviewed by subject experts.
Coverage: 2003-2004 to 2020-2021
More Info
Contains important information on data-related subjects such as chemical and
laboratory safety, and nomenclature
Available to students, faculty and staff at the University of Waterloo.
Depending on your method of access, you may be asked to authenticate as a
member of the UWaterloo community.
Primary Sources
Covers law, criminology, popular culture, phrenology, fiction, and more.
Coverage: 1790 – 1920
More Info
Contains books, broadsheets, manuscripts, and periodicals. Also included are court transcripts, prison records, petitions, and police advertisements. Documents are from Europe, North America, India, and the Antipodes.
Video and Images
Criterion-on-Demand is an online platform for feature films and
feature length documentaries. It contains programs from producers such as
Paramount, DreamWorks, Warner Brothers, Lionsgate Films, Mongrel Media,
Miramax Films and more. There are a variety of subject areas: Action films,
Animation, Comedy, Literary Adaptations, etc and there are more than 3000
titles available. It also offers some French versions and subtitled versions.

Coverage: Current
Cumulative index of publications about computer aided architectural design.
Coverage: varies
More Info
CumInCAD is a cumulative index of publications about computer aided architectural design. It includes bibliographic information about over 8,000 articles from journals and conferences such as ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SiGraDi, CAAD futures, DDSS and others. All papers include full abstracts. Full texts, in PDF, of some 5,400 papers are also available.

Note: Access to CumInCAD is available on or off campus via remote access after logging in via the Get access from anywhere proxy server. Each user must create an individual log on to access the full text readings.
News Sources: current
Primary Sources
Video and Images
Videos and sound recordings of selected documentaries produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC / Radio-Canada). Find a selection of English and French language television and radio programs, and news reports.
Coverage: 1945 - present
Primary Sources
English-language summaries of selected Soviet and Russian press materials.
Coverage: 1949 - 2010


Alumni Access
Primary Sources

British and European primary source material. Themes include: Conduct and Politeness, Domesticity and the Family, Consumption and Leisure, Education and Sensibility, and The Body.
Coverage: 1450 - 1910

Video and Images

The DETAIL Inspiration database for architects and structural
engineers is an image and reference full-text database containing over 5,900
international project documentations of building projects from 60 years of

More Info

Search and filter options include building type, material,
year of construction, and DETAIL issue topic. The search enables users to
find creative building solutions in a targeted, fast, and problem-oriented
manner. The project descriptions with reference photos, drawings, and
technical information are available for download.

Primary Sources
Contains materials relating to the socio-political history of South Africa's struggle for freedom with emphasis on the Apartheid period. Find correspondence, interviews, photos, periodical literature and more.
Coverage: 1950s - present
Primary Sources
Create visualizations with this text analysis package. Use primary source texts to create data sets, then apply DSL tools such as Ngram, sentiment analysis, the parts of speech analyser, and others to conduct distant reading of those sets.
Coverage: n.a.
Find scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books on all areas of study.
Coverage: 1920s - present
Open Access

DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
Coverage: varies

Dissertations and Theses
Full text of many North American, European, United Kingdom and Ireland graduate students theses and dissertations.
Coverage: Indexing 1637-, Full Text 1997-
Reporter of Canadian case law.
Coverage: 1912 - present
Providing a multimedia experience of theatre, Drama online is a digital library of nearly 4,000 playtexts, over 700 hours of video, over 400 audio plays, and over 500 books of criticism and performance practice from leading theatre publishers and companies.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth
Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR) features the most current text updates
based on scientific literature with contributions from more than 200 subject
matter experts.


Primary Sources
Early Canadiana Online is now available through Canadiana Online.
Coverage: pre-confederation - 1920
More Info
This is a continuation of CIHM's (Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions) project to provide access to early Canadian publications.
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Diaries, letters, and memoirs documenting the relationships among peoples and with the environment.
Coverage: 1534 - 1860

Primary Sources
Facsimiles of works printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, British North America, and works in English printed elsewhere.
Coverage: 1475 - 1700
More Info
EEBO contains images of works by such authors as Malory, Spenser, Bacon, More, Erasmus, Boyle, Newton, and Galileo. The database also includes musical exercises by Henry Purcell, novels by Aphra Behn, prayer books, pamphlets, proclamations, almanacs, calendars, and many other primary resources.
Primary Sources
Find standardized, accurate XML/SGML encoded electronic text editions of early print books.
Coverage: 1473 - 1700
Primary Sources
The European Space Agency (ESA), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have produced the Earth Observing Dashboard. Based on accurate remote sensing observations, it provides information on 7 themes: Atmosphere, Oceans, Biomass, Cryosphere, Agriculture, Covid-19 and Economy.
Coverage: 2018/2019-
Full-text electronic books, in a wide range of subject areas.
Coverage: 1959 - 2004
More Info
The electronic version is created by scanning the print version, including all text and graphics. Each book may be accessed by two users at a time.
A platform with many databases of journal indexes and abstracts, as well as some with full text
Coverage: varies
More Info
This online platform hosts multiple resources.

Note: Offline digital lending: Requires Adobe Digital Editions.
Economic literature relating to business administration, economic development, economic history, industrial organization and macroeconomics.
Coverage: 1969 - present
Descriptive information on the cultures of the world, ethnographic collections covering all aspects of cultural and social life. Designed to facilitate cross-cultural comparisons.
Coverage: Ancient - current
More Info
eHRAF World Cultures is a cross-cultural database containing more than a quarter of a million pages of descriptive information on the cultures of the world. These full-text materials, which are subject-indexed at the paragraph-level, relate to various social science disciplines as well as the humanities and health sciences. eHRAF includes a variety of source documents (books, articles, and dissertations) for each culture or ethnic group. These documents have been indexed and organized according to HRAF's culture and subject classification systems: the Outline of World Cultures (OWC), and the Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM).
Contains archaeological materials for comparative studies within and across regions.
Coverage: Ancient - current
Primary Sources
Periodical and newspaper indexes from the 12th Century to the early 20th Century. Former title: 19th Century Masterfile.
Coverage: 1100s - 1930s
Primary Sources
English and other language books, pamphlets, broadsides and other ephemera published in the United Kingdom and the Americas.
Coverage: 1701 - 1820
More Info
Included are significant collections of women writers, collections on the French Revolution, numerous 18th century editions of the works of Shakespeare, and multiple editions of other works of literature.
Primary Sources
Collection covers all aspects of 18th century social, political and literary life.
Coverage: 1685 - 1815
ECS publishes journals on solid state and elecrochemical science and technology.
Coverage: Varies
Primary Sources
Letters from and to Wolfgang Capito.
Coverage: 1507 - 1541
More Info
The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito. Volume 1:1507-1523 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005). The second volume, covers the years 1524-1531.
Ebooks in physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences and humanities.
Coverage: varies
More Info
Referex engineering reference titles as well as other ebooks in physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences and humanities.
Indexes international biomedical and pharmaceutical journals.
Coverage: 1974 - present
More Info
EMBASE indexes international journals in the following fields: drug research, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, toxicology, clinical and experimental human medicine, health policy and management, public health, occupational health, environmental health, drug dependence and abuse, psychiatry, forensic medicine, and biomedical engineering/instrumentation. There is selective coverage for nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, psychology, and alternative medicine.

Note: Access A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.
Primary Sources
Access journals articles, case studies, and eBooks covering topics in Accounting, Business, Criminology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Health, Management, Marketing, Social Science, Tourism, and more!

Coverage: varies
Empire Online
Alumni Access
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Collections of primary source material and scholarly literature relating to empires around the world.
Coverage: 1492 - 1962

Data and Statistics
Primary Sources
Find primary sources relating to individuals from around the world involved in the slave trade - including enslaved people, enslavers, and slave traders. Explore stories, biographies, documents, and data visualizations that are presented and centered in ways that honour enslaved persons.
Coverage: 1500s - 1880s
Indexes educational-related journals, conferences, government documents, bibliographies, and books.
Coverage: 1966 - present
More Info
Sponsored by the United States Department of Education.
Indexes educational-related journals, conferences, government documents, bibliographies, and books.
Coverage: 1966 - present
Alumni Access
Alumni Access

Francophone peer-reviewed journals in North America. Covers all fields of knowledge.
Coverage: varies (excludes current 2-3 years full-text - moving wall)

Patent documents from around the world.
Coverage: 1979 - present
More Info
Provided by the European Patent Office. Espacenet provides information about inventions and technical developments from the 19th century to today.
Documents on European law, treaties, directives, regulations, decisions, consolidated legislation, and international agreements.
Coverage: current
Computer graphics.
Coverage: 1980s - present
Covers political, historical, and economic information on countries, regions, and organizations.
Coverage: current
European research on Eastern European countries, including the former Soviet Union. Covers all fields of knowledge.
Coverage: 1991 - 2007


News Sources: current
Primary Sources
News, business magazines, trade journals, newsletters, and television and radio transcripts.
Coverage: 1970s - present. Varies by publication
More Info
Factiva forbids storing or using search results in research applications such as data mining or trend analysis.
Note: If you are at a public workstation you will be asked for your WatIAM (Quest) User ID and Password.
Research, policy, and practice literature relating to family studies, human ecology, and human development.
Coverage: 1970s - present
More Info
Note: A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.
Publications relating to women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages.
Coverage: 1991 - present
More Info
The time period: 450 C.E. to 1500 C.E. with Russia extending to 1613. The geographic areas: Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Publications are in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
Book and Film Reviews
Indexes academic and popular film journals and articles.
Coverage: 1972 - present
Film Scripts Online
Alumni Access
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Film scripts of screenwriters, producers, directors from selected American feature films from 1903 on.
Coverage: Early 20th century - present

Provides information on the mathematics behind fluid flows through experimental and computational demonstrations.
Coverage: varies
More Info
Contains interactive demonstrations and animations, virtual labs and simulations, and videos. It covers Mathematics, Engineering, Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics, Thermal-Fluids Engineering.
Data and Statistics
An online service from the First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC), it's a source of information about First Nations people living on reserve and in northern communities across Canada.
More Info
The published data are in the form of charts, tables and graphs that can be exported. The data include the /First Nations Regional Health Survey (FNRHS, or RHS) / and the /First Nations Regional Early Childhood, Education and Employment Survey (FNREEES).
Publications on food and nutrition, natural resources and agricultural systems, economic and social development.
Coverage: 2006 - current
Primary Sources
English translations and digests of news from around the world.
Coverage: 1941 - 1996
Primary Sources
Themes include Indigenous peoples, land & property, business, religion, and women's history. Find both primary sources and commentaries relating to the migration of Europeans to Africa, Australasia, and North America.
Coverage: 1650 - 1920
Provides market research and analysis.
Coverage: varies
More Info
Note: Users can view, but not download documents online. If you require PDFs, send your request to the Engineering Reference Team


News Sources: current
Primary Sources
Access over 2500 news sources via Gale; mostly from the United States but also Canada, the UK, Australia, and other parts of the world.
Coverage: 1950s - present
A platform with many databases comprising peer-reviewed, magazine, and news articles as well as primary sources dating back to the 17th century.
Coverage: varies
Primary Sources
Search across UWaterloo Library-owned collections from Gale, including Eighteenth Century Collections (ECCO), American Historical Periodicals, The Times, The Economist, Burney Newspapers, The Listener, and various subcollections in Archives Unbound.
Coverage: Varies
More Info
Archives Unbound subcollections include:
Fannie Lou Hamer, Quest for Labor Equality, Ralph J Bunch Oral Histories Collection on Civil Rights Movement, and We Were Prepared for the Possibility of Death.
Find research on a wide range of gender issues relating to women, men, two spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual (2SLGBTQ+). Topics include sexuality, religion, societal roles, feminism, masculinity, eating disorders, healthcare, and the workplace.
Coverage: 1970 - present
Open Access
Open Access

Bibliographic database for scientific publications of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).
Coverage: pre-confederation to present

More Info

GEOSCAN features records primarily of the Earth Sciences (Geological Survey of Canada publications, National Atlas maps, Topographic maps, Remote sensing publications). It also includes Mining, Materials and Energy, and publications authored by NRCan scientists and specialists.

Primary Sources
GeoScienceWorld provides access to several journals and eBooks in the subjects of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Geology.

Coverage: Current
Identifies documents relaying the experiences of German speakers and their descendants in Ontario. Sources cover historical, literary, cultural, linguistic, and biographical aspects.
Coverage: 1800s - present
More Info
The content draws from a range of sources, including Elizabeth Bloomfield's Waterloo Regional History Bibliography System. GCO is a joint project of Waterloo Centre for German Studies and University of Waterloo Library and will be continuously updated, as new information becomes available.

Note: Access: German Canadiana in Ontario Bibliography is available to all users.
Indexes scholarship relating to German language, German literature, and other areas of Germanic philology. Covers literature, theatre, media studies, cultural history, and linguistics.
Coverage: 1960 - present
Data and Statistics
Covers external debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, key debt ratios, average terms of new commitments, currency composition of long-term debt, debt restructuring, and scheduled debt service projections.
Coverage: 1970 - present
More Info
Data can be exported to programs such as Excel. The database is updated periodically with annual data loaded in January. Published by the World Bank GDF Online (Global Development Finance).
Information, news and market reports for international companies, industries and countries. New platform for Marketline Advantage.
Coverage: current
Primary Sources
Global Think Tanks is a collection of objective, fact-based research from the world’s leading policy experts, think tanks, IGOs, and NGOs. It provides in-depth search and access to some 5 million reports from over 25,000 organizations. Global Think Thanks supports the following disciplines: public and government
policy, environment and climate change, human rights, social justice, public
health, sustainability, diversity, and much more.

Coverage: varies
News Sources: current
Canada's national newspaper
Coverage: Jan.1985 - present
More Info
Via Nexis Uni. Contains no images.

Note: If you are at a public workstation you will be asked for your WatIAM (Quest) User ID and Password.
Primary Sources
Search news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1844 - 4 years ago
Articles, conference papers, essays in collections and dissertations on classical philology, ancient history, and archaeology.
Coverage: 1990 - present
More Info
Gnomon Online, a database for Classical Studies, is an international bibliographical index to monographs, journal articles, conference papers, essays in collections and dissertations in many languages. Produced by the Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
Search this aggregated collection of news sources from around the world.
Coverage: varies
A search engine covering many disciplines and sources of scholarly literature.
Coverage: varies
More Info
Google Scholar is a search engine that emphasizes scholarly information, particularly in the sciences and technology. It draws from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities.

Note: Access To access materials paid for by your library, go to Google Scholar, then choose Settings and click "Library Links." The off-campus user will first need to login via "Get access from anywhere."
Primary Sources
This series contains collections of annual reports, Government Gazettes, and Blue Books of statistics. Also find the papers of Anti-Apartheid journalist, Colin Legum.
Coverage: 1808 - 1995
More Info
Collections include:
* Colonial Africa in Official Statistics, 1821-1535
* Colonial Law in Africa, 1808-1919; 1920-1945; 1946-1966
* Gambia Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1881-1966
* Ghana and Togo Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports, 1843-1957
* Kenya Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports 1907-1964
* Malawi under colonial rule, in Government reports, 1907-1967
* Nigeria and Cameroon Under Colonial Rule, in Government Reports 1887-1962
* Sierra Leone under colonial rule, in Government reports, 1893-1961
* Uganda under colonial rule, in Government reports, 1903-1961
* Zimbabwe under colonial rule, in Government reports, 1897-1980
* South Africa under Apartheid, reports and research by a journalist,
* Apartheid Through the Eyes of South African Political Parties, 1948-1994
Primary Sources
French and francophone literature from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.
Coverage: Middle ages - 20th century
More Info
The Great Corpus of French and Francophone Literature, is produced by Classiques Garnier Numérique with the support of the National Centre for Distance Teaching (CNED), the French Ministry of Education and the Intergovernmental Agency for Francophone culture. The Corpus offers 4 online collections of literature: The Corpus offers 4 online collections of literature:
•Corpus of medieval literature from the origins to the end of the 15th century
•Corpus of narrative literature, from the Middle Ages to the 20th century
•Corpus of Francophone literature from Black Africa, from the origins to Independence
•Corpus of literature from the Indian Ocean, from the origins to Independence


Book and Film Reviews
Scholarly reviews of books in the humanities and social sciences.
Coverage: 1993 - present
Search for Hamilton, Ontario-focused resources. Topics include settlement, the Arts, community organizing and activism, incidents of Anti-Blackness, law and politics, military, religion, sports, and more.
Coverage: 1600s - present
Search for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1764 - 1985
More Info
Former titles include: Connecticut Courant, Connecticut Courant and Hartford Weekly Intelligencer, Connecticut Courant and Weekly Intelligencer, Daily Courant, and Hartford Daily Courant.
Primary Sources
Access millions of titles digitized from academic, research library, and other collections from around the world. These are full text works that are in the public domain and licensed under Creative Commons. They are available for viewing and downloading.
Coverage: varies
Consumer health resource providing authoritative information on health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
Coverage: 1980 - present
More Info
The Health and Wellness Resource Center provides access to full- text medical journals and popular magazines; to reference works on medicine, surgery, medical tests, and diets. It also includes multimedia and citation tools.
Articles on law and legal history, court judgments, tribunal decisions, statutes and regulations from Canadian, U.S. and UK jurisdictions.
Coverage: varies
Primary Sources
Primary sources from Canada's peoples from the 1600s to the mid-1900s. Includes genealogy, Indigenous, government, and military records.
Coverage: Pre-1960s
Indexes scholarly journals covering all topics relating to Latin America and the Caribbean.
Coverage: 1970 - present
More Info
About 80% of the currently indexed titles include links to full text.
Articles, books, and dissertations on world history from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada).
Coverage: 1955 - present
More Info
Note: A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.
Primary Sources
Presents monographs (books), manuscripts, and ephemera that provide a historical view of disabilities from the seventeenth to twentieth century.
Coverage: 1648-2000
Search for primary sources and secondary resources, including full books, selected chapters, journal articles, and essays.
Coverage: Primary sources: 1776-1928; Secondary sources: 1978 - 2016
More Info
Themes include: politics and law; religion and belief; education; literature and writings; women at home; society and culture; Empire; and movements and ideologies.
Journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations in the history of science, technology, and medicine and related historical fields.
Coverage: 1975 - present
A bibliography on Latin America. Indexes journals, books and book chapters, and conference papers in the social sciences and humanities.
Coverage: 1935 - present
More Info
Produced by the Hispanic Divison of the Library of Congress.
Indexes nearly 1200 periodicals, including many of the most important scholarly journals published in North America and Europe.
Coverage: 1907 - 1984
Digital collection of books relating to the humanities.
Coverage: 1885 - present
More Info
Produced by the American Council of Learned Societies.


Provides market research reports for Canadian and US industries.
Coverage: current
Collection of civil engineering, construction and materials science publications that disseminate best practice, expert advice, and research.
Coverage: 1836 - present
Data and Statistics
Research and survey data in the social and behavioural sciences from around the world. Themes include education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, racial issues, and more.
More Info
Available to students, faculty and staff at the University of Waterloo.
Depending on your method of access, you may be asked to authenticate as a member of the UWaterloo community.

Simultaneous users: Unlimited
A repository of information and technical reports on international development.
Coverage: 1970 - present
More Info
The IDRC (International Development Research Centre) Digital Library contains outputs from projects funded by the International Development Research Centre. Topics include climate change, economics, employment and growth, environment, evaluation, food and agriculture, innovation, governance, health, communication, natural resources, science and technology, social policy.

Resources for computer science, electrical engineering, electronics engineering, and mechanical engineering.
Coverage: 1988 - present

Digital Copy Permitted

Electronic Link Permitted

eReserves Permitted Yes

ILL e-copy Yes

ILL Permitted Yes

LEARN Use Permitted Yes

Perpetual Access Right No

Print copy Permitted

Scholarly sharing Permitted

Text and Data Mining Permitted Ask

More Info

IEEE Xplore provides access to journals, annual conference proceedings, and IEEE technical standards.

Primary Sources
English-language and English translations of radio and television broadcasts, newspapers, books, and United States government documents relating to immigration.
Coverage: 1941 - 1996
Open Access
Primary Sources

Periodicals by feminists, student radicals, Indigenous peoples, anti-war activists, Black rights advocates, two spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual (2SLGBTQ+) activists, extreme right-wing press, and more.
Coverage: 1950s - present

Video and Images
The Index of Medieval Art houses, contextualizes, and presents images and information relating to the iconographic traditions of the medieval world. Includes approximately 350,000 images and data from the “Long Middle Ages,” from early apostolic times until the sixteenth century. Originally called the Index of Christian Art, reflecting its beginnings as a focused resource for the study of early Christian art, the Index now sets its parameters more broadly, including works from multiple medieval faith traditions as well as secular imagery.
Indexes articles from periodicals covering all areas of Jewish thought, history, and current affairs.
Coverage: 1988 - present
Contains bibliographical information on books translated and published by UNESCO's Member States since 1979. Covers literature, social, natural, and human sciences; art; history and more.
Coverage: 1979 - present
Multidisciplinary topics relating to Indigenous peoples from around the world. Includes journals, books, reports, and conference proceedings.
Coverage: 1920s - present
Find literature reviews, reports, films, journal articles, and more. Via the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada.
Coverage: 2000s - present
Primary Sources
A collection of papers from Indigenous peoples in the United States and Canada.
Coverage: 1828 - 2016
Primary Sources
Facilitates the study of invasion and colonization. Find materials relating to customs, dance, music, warfare, peace treaties, removal grants, legends, and myths.
Coverage: 1600s - 2000s
More Info
Search manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, images of artwork, and more. Included are "Iroquois Indians: a documentary history of the diplomacy of the Six Nations and their league" and the Javitch Collection (University of Alberta)
Primary Sources
The Indian Rights Association was a non-governmental
organization created by White philanthropists to support American Indians.
Influenced by the paternal and assimilationist views of the time, the Indian
Rights Association exemplifies the troubling history and the transformation
over time of White-Indian alliances over the course of the twentieth century.
Coverage: 1882-1986
Includes both primary source and secondary source materials on indigenous American (U.S.) life and law.
A current awareness service that indexes academic and professional journals covering the humanities, social sciences, science and technology.
Coverage: Fall 1988 - present
Scientific Literature on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.
Coverage: 1970 - present
More Info
The International Nuclear Information System (INIS) repository provides comprehensive international coverage of scientific and technical literature carried out by INIS members. It includes citations and abstracts of journal articles, scientific and technical reports, conference papers, books, patents, theses, laws, regulations, and standards.
Data and Statistics
Do not login because logging in is not needed or functional for this database
It provides completely identified inorganic crystal structures. It contains experimental inorganic structures, experimental metal-organic structures, and theoretical inorganic structures. .
Coverage: 1913 to present
The INSPEC Archive 1898 - 1968 covers published literature in physics, electrical engineering, and computing and control.
Coverage: 1898 - 1968
Books, articles, book reviews and dissertations on the philosopher Aristotle.
Coverage: 1900 - present
Articles, monographs, essay collections, conference proceedings and exhibition catalogues relating to the history of art.
Coverage: 2008 - present
Identify journal articles, books, book chapters, and reviews, from around the world relating to anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology.
Coverage: 1951 - present
IFRS Collection from CPA
Coverage: Current
Data and Statistics
Internationally comparable, country-level economic and financial time series data. Standard source of statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance.
Coverage: varies
An interdisciplinary bibliography of the Middle Ages, covering Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa from 400-1500.
Coverage: 1967 - present
Indexes journals in pharmaceutical science and health related topics.
Coverage: 1970 - present
More Info
The International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA) Database provides worldwide coverage of pharmaceutical science and health related literature. Comprehensive information is included for drug therapy, toxicity, and pharmacy practice as well as legislation, regulation, technology, utilization, biopharmaceutics, information processing, education, economics, and ethics as related to pharmaceutical science and practice.

Note: Access A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.
Indexes philosophical literature including books, journals, and book reviews.
Coverage: 1997 - present
Note: To access the database without creating a personal account, please select the 'Consult IPB without user account' option, then click on 'Access'.
Search for open access scholarly/research materials on all subjects.Text and data mining is permitted.
Coverage: 1750s - present
Contains books and journals published by the Institute of Physics.
Coverage: varies
More Info
Topics include: condensed matter, soft matter, materials science, atomic, molecular, optical and plasma physics, nuclear and high energy particle physics, medical physics, biological physics, biomedical engineering, astrophysics, cosmology and gravitation, mathematical, statistical and quantum physics, and earth and environmental science.
Open Access
Primary Sources

Articles, theses, photographs, archival resources, maps, etc. Focusing on Indigenous peoples in Canada and the United States.
Coverage: varies

Data and Statistics
Canadian and international public opinion polls on all matter of topics.
Coverage: 1995 - present
Indexes articles, books, reviews, catalogues, and conference proceedings about the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700).
Coverage: 1945 - present
More Info
Iter, meaning 'a journey' or 'a path' in Latin, is a non-profit research project with partners in Toronto (the headquarters), New York City, and Tempe, Arizona. The goal of Iter is to increase access to all published materials pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700) through the creation of online bibliographic databases. Iter has been made available through the Ontario Scholars Portal collection of databases. The Journals database is an electronic bibliography of interdisciplinary journal literature pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Citations for articles, bibliographies, catalogues, abstracts and discographies are included. To date, the full runs of 518 scholarly journal titles, published since 1853, have been indexed. Journals and essay collections indexed Subject access to selected materials pertaining to the Renaissance (1300-1700), published since 1990, is available via Library of Congress Subject Headings
Primary Sources
A list of previously uncatalogued Renaissance humanistic manuscripts.
Coverage: to 1992


Manuscripts and editions of John Milton's works and all studies and critical statements concerning his life and works.
Coverage: 1624 - 1799
Alumni Access

Compiled by 275 specialists from around the world, the guide presents a historical survey of the field's most key figures, schools, and movements. 
Coverage: 400s B.C.E - present

Data and Statistics
Find quantifiable data relating to the relative importance of journals within their subject categories. Covers all disciplines.
Coverage: 1997 - present
More Info
The Journal Citation Reports (JCR) module within InCites allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from scholarly and technical journals and conference proceedings.
Full-text of journals in clinical medicine, behavioral and social sciences, life sciences, nursing, and physical science.
Coverage: varies
Video resources for science education and research. With thousands of videos published across several disciplines in science, medicine, business and engineering, the JoVE library provides clear, detailed illustrations of a vast range of scientific techniques and concepts.
Alumni Access
Alumni Access

Provides access to back issues of journals in the humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences, many of which date from the 1800s.
Coverage: varies (excludes current 3 to 5 years)


Indexes French and Francophone articles and monographs, from Medieval to contemporary periods. A good complement to the MLA International Bibliography.
Coverage: 1991 - present
Data and Statistics
Provides data and technical references.
Coverage: n.a.


Identify scholarly articles, books, and book reviews on all aspects of Greek and Roman civilizations.
Coverage: 1924 - present
More Info
L'Annee Philologique uses roman numerals to describe journal volume numbers. Roman numeral converters can help confirm volume information.
Cases and commentary on Canadian labour law.
Coverage: Varies
Primary Sources
Fiction, poetry, essays about the feminist movement, and other works by women writers from Latin America, from Colonial period to the present day.
Coverage: 18th century - present
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Fiction, poetry and plays written in English and Spanish by Chicano, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican, and other Latino authors working in the United States.
Coverage: late 19th century - present

Provides integrated scholarly and patent knowledge. Patents are
from global sources.
Indexes journal articles from Russian and Soviet publications.
Coverage: 1956 - 1972
Drug information. Clinical decision support tools. Access through mobile app is not available through Waterloo subscription
Coverage: Current
Find magazines, journals, books and news sources, and also coverage for grey literature such as case studies and speeches.
Coverage: Varies
Primary Sources
Includes the texts from the classical period and an extensive corpus of Medieval Latin literature.
Coverage: Antiquity - 1962
Primary Sources
Covers a wide variety of genres including chronicles, medieval saints' lives and travel narratives, legal texts, and theological, philosophical and scientific treatises from the early-modern period.
Coverage: Antiquity - 1962

Digital library and media archive containing new materials across the art, architecture, design, philosophy, media studies, moving image, sound and visual culture fields. This collection includes eBooks, podcasts, journals, experimental fonts, software, exhibition materials, and artist writings. Library Stack is also a publisher of its own eBooks, essays, videos and digital ephemera.


More Info

Register for a free account with your UWaterloo email address to request resources, enable expanded research tools, and access featured content.

Provides indexing and abstracting for key library and information science journals, books, research reports and more.
Coverage: mid 1960s - present
More Info
Subjects include bibliometrics, cataloguing, classification, information management, librarianship, online information retrieval.
Indexes articles from a number of Canadian periodicals of historical significance.
Coverage: 1867 - 1976
More Info
Indexed are: Annotated Index to the Canadian Bookman Annotated Index to the Canadian Forum, 1920-1981 Annotated Index to the Canadian Magazine, 1893-1914 Annotated Index to Everywoman's World, 1914-1923 The Financial Post Index, 1907-1948 Index to Maclean's Magazine, 1905-1976 Annotated Index to Massey's Magazine, 1896-1897 Index to the Monetary Times of Canada, 1867-1929 The Rebel, 1917-1920 Index to Saturday Night, 1899-1945 Annotated Index to the University Magazine, 1901-1920
Indexes journal articles, books, technical reports, and dissertations covering all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
Coverage: 1973 - present
Training website of a variety of skills for the electronic workplace.
Coverage: current
More Info is a leading online learning platform that helps anyone learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals.
Full text journal articles and other criticism and reference resources on works relating to English and American literature, and early Canadian poetry.
Coverage: 8th century - present
Biographical entries, overviews, full-text literary criticism, and reviews of writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world. A GALE product.
Coverage: 1750s - present
Primary Sources
Over 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts, with an interface allowing readers to browse, search, bookmark, annotate, and share content.
More Info
Virtual library of key Greek and Latin texts with up-to-date texts and accurate English translations,including: epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; those Church Fathers who made particular use of pagan culture. More than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts are available.
Book and Film Reviews
Book reviews and essays. Includes art and film reviews, poems and letters.
Coverage: 1979 - present
Search for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1881 - 1985
Collection of earth science literature.
Coverage: 1811 - present
More Info
The Lyell Collection is an online collection of earth science literature comprised of the Geological Society of London's journal titles, Special Publications and key book series. It also includes journals published on behalf of other societies.


Primary Sources
Canada's national weekly current affairs magazine.
Coverage: 1905 - 2015
Created by Mary Zirin at the Slavic Reference Service at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Coverage: 1800 - 2000
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Reports, surveys, diaries, photographs, maps, and essays related to social research. Geographical area: Britain.
Coverage: 1930s - 1970s

More Info

Papers from the archives of Mass Observation, a British social research organization. Includes both material collected by investigators and material submitted by volunteers.

Industry news, international trade data, government regulations and management issues related to the metals and materials industries.
Coverage: 1985 - present
More Info
Citations for Materials Business File are pulled from journals, patents, dissertations, government reports, conference proceedings, and books indexed by expert editors from Materials Information. Begun in 1985, Materials Business File is the database equivalent of the bulletins Steels Alert, Polymers/Ceramics/Composites Alert and Nonferrous Metals Alert. Together they cover new technologies, new materials and other industry developments reported in the press.
Information on materials science, metallurgy, ceramics, polymers, and composites.
Coverage: 1966 - present
More Info
Materials Science & Engineering Database includes the following databases: Aluminium Industry Abstracts, Ceramic Abstracts, Copper Data Center Database, Corrosion Abstracts, Engineered Materials Abstracts, Materials Business File, and METADEX. It provides content on everything from raw materials and refining through processing, welding and fabrication to end uses, corrosion, performance and recycling.
Articles in mathematics, computer science, statistics, and econometrics, as well as applications to science and engineering.
Coverage: 1940 - present
More Info
Produced by the American Mathematical Society, MathSciNet provides reviews, with abstracts, to the world's literature in mathematics and related areas. MathSciNet is compiled from the print equivalents, Mathematical Reviews and Current Mathematical Publications. Reviews are classified according to the Mathematics Subject Classification.
Covers earthquakes and other natural disasters: causes, prediction, effects, mitigation, and aftermath.
Coverage: 1987 - present
More Info
MCEER covers the topics of bridges and highways, education, emergency response, geotechnical engineering, hospitals, non-structural components, intelligent and protective systems, public policy, remote sensing, seismology, and social science issues. The disasters it covers are blast, earthquake, fire, hurricane, terrorist attack, tornado, and tsunami.
Primary Sources
This archive documents the political, gastronomic, economic, artistic, and medical culture of early modern Europe.
Coverage: 1537 - 1743
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Manuscripts of European travel writing. Covers geography, exploration, trade, literature.
Coverage: 13th - 16th centuries

Literature in biomedicine, medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and preclinical sciences.
Coverage: 1950 - present
More Info
Produced by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), Medline provides citations, many with abstracts, to the world's journal literature. Sources include current biomedical journals published in more than 70 countries.
Encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals
Industry reports covering North America, Latin America, Asia/Pacific, and Europe by country and region.
Coverage: current
More Info
Mergent Market Atlas provides business and financial information on more than 10,000 public companies in the U.S. Profiles for each company include: business descriptions, EDGAR documents, fundamental data, key financial ratios, earnings estimates, stock information and current headline news. The latest financial information may be presented by business and geographic segments. Mergent Atlas Online also provides the ability to create custom reports for a company, as well as compare reports of multiple companies. Also includes country statistical data and maps.
Evidence based information about drugs, uses, identification, toxicology, diseases, acute care, drug interactions, and alternative medicine.
Coverage: Current
More Info
Includes CareNotes which are monographs written at a consumer level on the care and medications for medical conditions.
Note: Access Access is restricted to faculty, students and staff currently enrolled in the Pharmacy program at the University of Waterloo. Contact the Pharmacy Librarian for access information.
Articles on brain science, cognitive science, brain and neural networks, and linguistics.
Coverage: varies
Indexes books, articles, and websites relating to modern languages, literatures, folklore, linguistics, and film.
Coverage: 1926 - present
Primary Sources
Musical scores, with full scores, study scores, piano and vocal scores, and piano reductions.
Coverage: Renaissance - present


Primary Sources
Full archive of this American current affairs weekly magazine.
Coverage: 1865 - 2nd most recent month
More Info
Latest month embargoed.
U.S. publications on criminal justice, including Federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, and unpublished research.
Coverage: 1975 - present
Primary Sources
Contains bibliographic information and abstracts of health-related articles, reports, surveys, and other resource documents pertaining to the health and health care of Indigenous peoples in America and Canada.
Coverage: 1672-present
An app to help map Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages. It is Indigenous-led.
Provides evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies.
Coverage: 2001 - present
More Info
Natural Medicines, founded by clinicians and researchers, is the most authoritative resource available on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies.

Streaming audio database of classical music recordings.

Streaming audio database of a wide range of world music, including the complete Smithsonian Folkways catalogue

Full text to the National Bureau of Economics Research working papers.
Coverage: 1998 - present
Primary Sources
American magazine that features political and social commentaries.
Coverage: 1914 - 2010
Book and Film Reviews
Reviews of books from a variety of genres: biographies and memoirs; food and wine; essays and criticism; history; poetry; politics; current affairs; science; philosophy; crime; visual and performing arts.
Coverage: 1963 - present
Primary Sources
Search for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1851 - 3 years ago
News Sources: current
In collaboration with the CBC News team, News in Review brings you the biggest stories from across Canada, and around the world, to your classroom. Thirty-two new stories will roll out across the school year, accompanied by teacher guides that provide discussion prompts, critical-thinking questions and activities that connect students to real-world problems.
Coverage: current
News Sources: current
Primary Sources
News, legal, and business sources from around the world, Find news, legislation, case law, statutes, company profiles, market & industry reports.
Coverage: 1970s - present
More Info
Note: If you are at a public workstation you will be asked for your WatIAM (Quest) User ID and Password.
Video and Images
Link to documentaries, animations, experimental films, and fiction produced by the National Film Board of Canada.
Coverage: 1930s - present
Primary Sources
Nine pamphlet collections covering various socio-political themes in Britain including Anti-slavery, universal suffrage, criminal punishment, and more.
Coverage: 1545 - 1931
More Info
Wilson Anti-Slavery Collection; Hume Tracts; Bristol Selected Pamphlets; Cowen Tracts; Earl Grey Pamphlets; Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Knowsley Pamphlets; LSE Selected Pamphlets, and Selections of the University of Manchester covering the Irish Question, Free Trade, and women's suffrage.
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Personal narratives of immigrants to Canada and the United States.
Coverage: 18th century - present

Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Biographies, autobiographies, speeches, diaries, letters, and oral histories on Indigenous peoples of North America.
Coverage: 17th century - present

Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Plays, playbills, production photos, and other materials related to women playwrights.
Coverage: 1714 - present

Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Collection of women's diaries and correspondence.
Coverage: 1675 - 1950

Scientific and technical literature on aerospace related subjects.
Coverage: 1915 - present
More Info
The NTRS integrates 3 NASA collections: the NACA Collection containing citations and reports from the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics period from 1915 to 1958, with information dating back to 1900; the NASA collection containing citations and documents created or sponsored by NASA from 1958 to the present; and the NIX Collection containing citations and links to images, photos and movies.


Includes books and videos on a wide array of topics including technology, digital media, entrepreneurship and business.
Coverage: Varies
Data and Statistics
Access to Statistics Canada's Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs)
Coverage: Varies
More Info
ODESI is a web-based retrieval system for accessing Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs) and other datasets provided under the Data Liberation Initiative (DLI). Access to files is available to current faculty, students, and staff and may only be used for research, teaching, and non-commercials activities.
OECD iLibrary
Alumni Access
Alumni Access

Full text documents and statistical sets from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Coverage: 1998 - present

Technical literature on oil and gas exploration and production.
Coverage: Varies
More Info
Operated by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the content varies, comprising mostly journal articles and conference proceedings.
An independent global media platform publishing on human rights and justice.
Coverage: current
Biographical and critical information on writers and their writing. Search by name, occupation, genre, place, date range, and more.
Coverage: 612 B.C. - present
More Info
It also includes selected non-British or international women writers and British and international men, whose writing was an important, sometimes a shaping, element in a particular writing climate.
Entries cover all aspects relating to visual arts and artists: painting, sculpture, graphic arts, architecture, decorative arts and photography - from prehistory to the present day.
Coverage: current
More Info
Oxfort Art Online is the access point for Grove Art Online, the Benezit Dictionary of Artists, and other Oxford art reference resources. Waterloo's subscription includes: Grove Art Online, Benezit Dictionary of Artists, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, The Oxford Companion to Western Art. Oxford Online is updated three times a year.
Annotated bibliographies in the social sciences and humanities.
Coverage: varies
More Info
We only get the collections that are listed at the top of the Oxford Bibliographies page: Atlantic History, Classics, Medieval Studies, Philosophy, and Renaissance.
Biographies, with illustrations, of people of distinction in the British Isles and its colonies.
Coverage: 4th - 21st century
More Info
Note: A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.
Handbooks for subjects in literature, philosophy and political science. Each handbook takes an aspect of its discipline and explains its key issues.
Coverage: current
Entries include articles, musical examples, and helpful supplementary content such as timelines, opera indexes, and topical guides.
Coverage: current
More Info
Oxford Music Online is the access point for Grove Music Online and other Oxford music resources.

Note: A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.
Electronic editions of scholarly reference titles in the Arts, Literature and Language, History and Culture, Science, and Social Sciences.
Coverage: 2002- with updates


Indexes public and social policy literature on business, economics, finance, law, international relations, public administration, government, political science, and other social sciences.
Coverage: 1915 - present
Primary Sources
Archive of selected 19 and 20th century community newspapers from across Canada, the United States, and other countries.
Coverage: varies
Past Masters
Alumni Access
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Works by notable figures of the Humanities. Coverage includes philosophy, political thought, and religious studies. Filter by geographical area, gender, and time period.
Coverage: ancient - modern

Primary Sources
Original texts, critical apparatus, and indexes relating to Early Christian history and the writings of Church Fathers.
Coverage: 200 - 1216
More Info
Find the first edition of Jacques-Paul Migne's Patrologia Latina, published between 1844 and 1855 and the four volumes of indexes published between 1862 and 1865. The Patrologia Latina comprises the works of the Church Fathers from Tertullian in 200 AD to the death of Pope Innocent III in 1216. Migne's column numbers, essential references for scholars, are included.
Primary Sources
These manuscripts were written or compiled by women in the British Isles. Find transcriptions and images of all manner of writing from account book entries, diaries, essays, hymns, and more
Coverage: 16th - 17th centuries
Primary Sources
An archive of digitized journals published in the arts, humanities and social sciences.
Coverage: 1802 - 2005
Indexes scholarly literature relating to aesthetics, epistemology, ethics, logic and metaphysics, as well as the philosophy of various disciplines.
Coverage: 1940 - present
An archive focused on academic research in Philosophy. Content covers peer-reviewed journal articles, books and book chapters.
Coverage: varies
A collection of historical and recent talks given by some of the world's most
important architectural professionals.

1955 to current
Journals, books, book chapters, pamphlets, and technical reports on stress disorder, its assessment and treatment, services to the population, and ethical and public policy issues.
Coverage: 1871 - present
Data and Statistics
Pitchbook tracks private and public companies, including startups and small businesses. Use it to determine company financials, funding rounds, funding firms, and more.
More Info
Users must create an account with their Waterloo email address to login.
Citations and abstracts of scientific literature on plant science, focusing on all plant scientific aspects.
Coverage: 1994 - present
More Info
Plant Science is a bibliographic database containing citations and abstracts of scientific literature on plant science, focusing on all plant scientific aspects, especially pathology, symbiosis, biochemistry, genetics, biotechnology, techniques and environmental biology.
Note: Access A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously. If you are unable to connect, please try later.
Plumb’s™ is an essential point-of-care resource with all the information veterinary teams need to work up cases, choose treatments, and educate pet owners.
Full text journals and conference proceedings in philosophy, theology, and ethics.
Coverage: 2000s - present
Documents of Canadian, American and other countries' think thanks, nongovernmental organizations, research institutes, university centers, and advocacy groups.
Coverage: 1990 - present
Full text of over 1000 political science journals.
Coverage: 1985 - present
Provides abstracts, indexing and full text coverage of scholarly journal articles, country reports, dissertations, think-tank reports, working papers, and government documents.
Coverage: 1919 - present
More Info
Comprises 4 databases: Political Science Collection (1985 - present), Worldwide Political Science (1975 - present), Policy File Index (1990 - present) , and PAIS International (1919 - present).
Data and Statistics
Public opinion polls, with survey questions and responses, from around the world.
Coverage: 1986 - present
More Info
Search topics such as immigration, health care, security, economy, and education. Results can be saved, exported, and depicted in graph form.

Note: A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.
A comprehensive and in-depth collection of properties for a very wide range of polymers, both synthetic and natural.
Coverage: Current
Articles and research reports on population and family planning, maternal and child health, demography, and related health and policy issues.
Coverage: 1930s - present
More Info
Large database on reproductive health, with abstracts to articles, books, published and unpublished reports in the field of population, family planning, and related health issues. Produced by the Information and Knowledge for Optimal Health Project (the INFO Project) based at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for Communication Programs.
Indexes articles, books, journals, working papers, and other materials on population topics.
Coverage: 1937 - 1999
News Sources: current
Access to newspapers and magazines from around the world in full-color, full-page format.
No Proxy/Off campus access to the Globe and Mail via PressReader.
Coverage: Varies
From Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada, PEG is designed to provide practical step by step guidance for practitioners and their staff to perform assurance and compilation engagements relating primarily to small and medium sized entities.
Project MUSE
Alumni Access
Alumni Access

Scholarly journals covering the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, and more.
Coverage: varies

News Sources: current
"Op-eds" and other media/news stories from around the world. Search by keyword or browse by topic or author.
Coverage: 1990s - present
More Info
Some content has been translated into other languages including Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish.
A platform with many databases of journal indexes and abstracts, as well as some with full text
Coverage: Varies
More Info
This online platform hosts multiple resources.
Contains ebooks from multiple disciplines as selected by liaison librarians.
Coverage: varies
More Info
These books are catalogued individually. This interface allows for searching within the full text of the books.
News Sources: current

This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.

Coverage: Current

News Sources: current
Archive of the Waterloo Record.
Coverage: 1893–2010
Articles in behavioral science and related fields, including education, nursing, business, neuroscience and more.
Coverage: 1985 - present
Books and book chapters relating to various areas of psychology.
Coverage: 1806 - present
Reviews of current books in psychology, some popular films, and comparative reviews of books.
Coverage: 1995 - present
Articles, dissertations and book chapters in psychology and behavioral health.
Coverage: 1840 - present
Primary Sources
A one-of-a-kind database of psychological tests and measures, designed for use with social and behavioral science research. There are over 68,000 records available. Focused primarily on unpublished tests. This database was designed to save your researchers time from having to reproduce tests when conducting research on previously measured constructs.
Coverage: Tests dating back from the late 1800s
More Info
Monthly updates with new content and corrections. Full-text tests including PDF or
multimedia files. Access to resources in more than 40 languages.
Articles in medicine, life sciences, animal sciences, plant sciences, biomedical research, medical devices, nursing, biotechnology, the healthcare system, and the preclinical sciences.
Coverage: 1950 - present
More Info
PubMed is comprised of citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites.


Quicklaw offers access to a variety of legal research materials including case law, legislation, law reviews, journals, and commentary from Canada, the US, the UK, and Australia.


Articles in the various fields of Jewish studies and in the study of Eretz Israel. In Hebrew, Yiddish, and European languages.
Coverage: 1966 - present

Track popular, general interest magazines published in the United States and Canada. Find feature articles, news stories, product evaluations, performing arts reviews, book reviews, fiction, short stories, and poems.
Coverage: 1890 - present
Data and Statistics
Authoritative information in organic, inorganic and organometallic chemistry.
Coverage: 1779 - present
Scholarly journals and magazines relating to religion, philosophy, and the related areas of archaeology and anthropology.
Coverage: 1980 - present
Research from French language journals from Quebec, elsewhere in Canada, France, Belgium, and Switzerland. Covers all fields of knowledge.
Coverage: 1980 - present
Information on how to manage medical-related residency. Find tips on handling rotation and resident life; procedure videos; and career advice. Free individual registration required.
Coverage: current
More Info
NEJM Resident 360 is a product of NEJM Group, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society.
Find details about holdings (periodicals, books, and audio visual materials) of the Royal Institute of British Architects Library.
Coverage: 1980's - present
Data and Statistics
Search United States-based surveys via iPOLL.
Coverage: 1935 - present
Primary Sources
Peer-reviewed journals that cover the core chemical sciences including related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics.
Coverage: Varies
Find bibliographic information and abstracts of internationally published research on rural development.
Coverage: 1976 - present
More Info
Rural Development Abstracts brings you the latest information on rural development in developing countries from environmental management to technical progress, poverty and women's studies. Coverage includes policy and development, land reform, employment, land and water resources, biotechnology, microfinance, education and extension, health and nutrition.
Drug comparison charts, newsletters, Q & A's, trial summaries
Coverage: updated weekly; (monthly for the app)
Medication identification tool; database of 50,000 photos of medications. Search by DIN, appearance, or active ingredient.
Comprehensive information on all drugs sold in Canada; medication monographs; patient handouts; calculate pediatric doses; compounding formulas; medication pictograms; drug comparison charts, and much more.


An index to SAE standards, technical reports, journal articles, and magazine articles.
Coverage: index 1906 - present; full text latest 10 years
More Info
Waterloo subscribes to only the technical papers section. Only citations and abstracts are available for all other material.
SAGE Journals
Alumni Access
Alumni Access

Access to scholarly journals in health sciences, social sciences and humanities, biomedical sciences, materials sciences, and engineering.
Coverage: varies

Find books, encyclopedia and dictionaries about research methods.
Coverage: varies
More Info
SAGE Research Methods provides a tool called Method Maps, which visualizes relationships among more than 700 unique methods terms, concepts and people. Method List can be used to compile selected books, book chapters and journal articles for later review or sharing with colleagues.

Note: Waterloo only gets the text (read: eBook/reference work) content from Sage Research Methods. Waterloo subscription to SAGE Research Methods doesn't include SAGE videos.
Primary Sources
Clinical reference on treatment of infectious diseases and
anti-infective drug information.

Coverage: current
Get access to visualizing and downloading geospatial data, including land-based vector data, census geography, orthophotography, and more.
Coverage: Varies
More Info
Scholars GeoPortal is an Ontario Council of Univerity Libraries (OCUL) initiative that provides affiliated members with online access to visualizing and downloading geospatial data. It includes land-based vector data (water, cultural features, etc.), census geography, orthophotography, and more! Waterloo faculty and students may access most of the provincial and national level data currently available from Waterloo Library's Geospatial Centre through the portal. An easy to use platform for academic purposes only.
Full-text ebooks in a wide range of subject areas

More Info
This online platform hosts multiple resources.

Note: Local saving restrictions: Saving in PDF format restricted to 15% of a work.
A repository for scholarly articles drawn from journals covering every academic discipline
Coverage: Varies
More Info
This online platform hosts multiple resources.
Search open access journals on a wide variety of topics. Created to help meet the research needs of scholars in developing countries.

Coverage: 1935 - present
An index with some full text covering all aspects of science fiction, fantasy, horror, supernatural and weird fiction. History, criticism, commentary, fan writings and some reviews are all included.
Coverage: 1878 - present
Articles and book chapters from physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences and humanities.
Coverage: Varies
Provides chemical information including physical and chemical properties, reactions, and patents.
Coverage: 1907 to present
More Info
Note: Access is restricted to current faculty, students and staff of the University. Account registration must be done using your Waterloo email address.
Full-text access to journals covering physics, astronomy, electronics, engineering, materials science, mathematics and associated disciplines.
Coverage: 1975 - present
More Info
Provides full-text access to journals published and distributed by the American Institute of Physics, American Physical Society, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers International, International Society for Optical Engineering, and other science and engineering societies. Covers physics, astronomy, electronics, engineering, materials science, mathematics and associated disciplines.

Peer-reviewed literature from scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
Coverage: 1966 - present

Digital Copy Permitted

Electronic Link Permitted

eReserves Permitted Not Applicable

ILL e-copy Not Applicable

ILL Permitted Not Applicable

LEARN Use Permitted Not Applicable

Perpetual Access Right No

Print copy Permitted

Scholarly sharing Not Applicable

Text and Data Mining Permitted Ask

These books are published by the Society of Industrial and
Applied Mathematics. They have more than 500 titles covering applied
mathematics, computational science and data science communities.
Coverage: varies
Primary Sources
Video and Images
Find diaries, letters, biographies, oral histories, government documents, videos, and periodicals, and more originating from the United States, Canada, and Europe. Scholarly commentary also included.
Coverage: 1960-1974
Primary Sources
Search details of over 35,000 voyages involving the forcible transport of some 12 million Africans to the Americas. Find data and analysis on the trans-Atlantic and intra-American enslavement including an African name registry, interactive maps, timelines, and images.
Coverage: 1514 - 1866
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Manuscripts, pamphlets, books, paintings, maps and images relating to enslavement.
Coverage: 1490 - 2007

Primary Sources
This collection focuses on African American life and history in the United States and the Caribbean. It includes documents created by Black people, slave
trade correspondence, and government publications. From Houghton Library, Harvard University.
Coverage: 1780 - 1910s
Full text scholarly articles in all areas of the social sciences.
Coverage: varies
Journal articles, dissertations, and book reviews in the fields of social work and human services/community development.
Coverage: 1980 - present
Primary Sources
Collection of the original works of major social thinkers and to texts representing key trends in sociology.
Coverage: 1787 - 2002
Articles, books, dissertations, and reviews in the social sciences on sociological topics as well as selected anthropology, criminology, demography, law, social psychology, and urban development.
Coverage: 1952 - present
Index and full text databases covering sociology and social services.
Coverage: 1952 - present
Articles, conference proceedings, books, dissertations in optics, photonics, imaging, lasers, sensing, and nanotechnology.
Coverage: 1990 - present
More Info
The SPIE Digital Library provides access to technical papers from SPIE Journals, Conference Proceedings, and books.
Articles, dissertations and books on sports medicine, exercise physiology, sports psychology, and nutrition.
Coverage: 1830 to present
More Info
Produced by the Sport Information Resource Centre, SPORTDiscus provides citations, with selected abstracts, to the world's literature in sport and fitness including sports medicine, applied physiology, training, sport techniques, coaching, doping, biomechanics, sport management, economics, history, biography, physical fitness and recreation.
Note: Access A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.
Life and biomedical sciences laboratory protocols.
Coverage: Current
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Springer Protocols contains peer-reviewed protocols grouped into 15 subject collections: biochemistry, biotechnology, cell biology, imaging radiology, infectious diseases, molecular medicine, pharmacology/toxicology, bioinformatics, cancer research, genetics/genomics, immunology, microbiology, neuroscience, and plant science.
Ebooks, and book chapters from physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences, humanities, business, and education.
Coverage: To current
Articles on the physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences, humanities, business, and education.

Coverage: to current
Covers multiple material classes, property types, and applications for identifying material properties.
Coverage: Current
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The collections included in SpringerMaterials are: Landolt-Bornstein, Inorganic Solid Phases, MSI Eureka, Polymer Thermodynamics, Substance Profile, Thermophysical Properties.
Data and Statistics
Provides over 1 million statistics, data, and facts from over 600 industries and 50+ countries.
Primary Sources
Materials relating to colonial rule, Black resistance, and attempts by international networks to fight racism from afar. Focus is on Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.
Coverage: 1940s - 2010s
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Included are pamphlets created by the Liberation Support Movement (LSM) 1969-1981 based out of the west coast of Canada and the United States.
Primary Sources
Bibliography on aspects of Greek epigraphy, as well as summaries of Greek inscriptions.
Coverage: varies
Currently published by Springer Nature, was Morgan & Claypool until 2022.

Find electronic documents (lectures) for the research, development, and educational community in engineering and computer science.
Coverage: varies


Primary Sources
A database of Canadian tax information including law and legislation, government documents, commentary from tax experts and case law.
WatIAM credentials may be required for access.
Access to a wide array of subjects in the social sciences, humanities, sciences, and technical and medical fields.
Coverage: varies
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Social Science and Humanities books are published under the Routledge, Psychology Press and Focal Press imprints. Science, Technology, and Medical books are published by CRC Press.
Includes thousands of journals published by Taylor & Francis, Routledge and Informa.
Coverage: Varies
Pharmacology textbooks covering pharmacokinetics, injectable drugs, nonprescription drugs, pharmacogenomics, pharmacoepidemiology, medication errors, and pharmaceutical calculations.
Coverage: Varies by title
Engineering standards, specifications, technical books, and more technical resources for engineers, technicians and scientists.
Coverage: Current, as well as past versions of standards
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Note: Access If you are at a public workstation you will be asked for your WatIAM (Quest) User ID and Password.
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Find images, playbills, postcards, scrapbooks and other ephemera resources relating to Canadian and American theatre.
Coverage: 16th century - present

Theatre in Video
Alumni Access
Alumni Access
Video and Images

Plays, documentaries, interviews, and instructional materials in more than 550 hours of streaming video.
Coverage: 1930s - present

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Theatre in Video brings together hundreds of the world’s most important plays, documentaries, interviews, and instructional materials in more than 550 hours of streaming video. From celebrated productions of Shakespeare to rare, in-depth footage of the work of Samuel Beckett, the collection covers a wide range of 20th century theatre history. Interviews with directors, designers, writers, and actors, along with excerpts of live performances, deliver an authentic, behind-the-scenes look at hundreds of productions.

Covers all aspects of theatre from production and design to performance, including, set design, lighting design, sound design, costume design, makeup. Video collections include the National Theatre Collection, Royal Shakespeare Company, Theatre in Video 1-2
Coverage: 17th century - present
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Includes video performances, audio dramas, and designs. It combines content types used in theatre education (filmed stage performances, masterclasses, documentaries) with teaching tools (playlists, video clips, on-screen transcripts), and production designs. The collection includes: * 300 audio plays from L.A. Theatre Works * 750 hours of filmed stage performances, documentaries, and video training materials, including 25 premium performances of plays and musicals from the New York theatre scene * 100,000 pages of primary and secondary design resources, including sketches, photographs, technical drawings, monographs, articles, and dissertations * 40,000 pages of monumental reference works, encyclopedias, images, flyers, playbills, postcards, scrapbooks, and other resources
Open Access
Dissertations and Theses

Access Canadian electronic and non-digital theses and dissertations.
Coverage: index 1965 - present; full text 1998 - present

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Theses Canada is a program between Library and Archives Canada (LAC) and nearly 70 universities accredited by Universities Canada. For the full text of recent theses, also check Proquest's "Dissertations and Theses Global."

Note: Access Theses Canada Portal is available free to the public How to search Consult the Theses Canada Portal help page for information on searching this site.

Primary Sources
Popular American weekly publication. Articles cover United States of America and international news on a broad spectrum of topics.
Coverage: March 1923- December 2000
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To browse the front cover images of each issue, use the publisher's Time Vault (
Primary Sources
Search for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1785 - 2019
Indexes the tables of contents of over 150 journals of interest to classicists.
Coverage: 1992 - present
Primary Sources
Search for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1894 - 3 years ago
Books, journal articles, and technical reports relating to transportation research.
Coverage: 1960's to present
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TRID is an integrated database that combines the records from the Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database and the OECD's Joint Transport Research Centre's International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) Database. TRID provides access to more than one million records of transportation research worldwide.
Find high quality clinical research evidence.
Coverage: Current
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Trip is a clinical search engine allows users find high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care. Search across other content types including images, videos, patient information leaflets, educational courses and news.
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Find playbills, posters, production ephemera, information on theatrical companies, and biographical details. The database contains many previously unpublished plays. Search by gender, number of speakers, year.
Coverage: 1835 - present


Primary Sources
Find documents of the British House of Commons and House of Lords: Hansard (Debates), bills, acts, reports of Royal Commissions, and select committees, Command papers, accounts and more.
Coverage: 1688 - 2022
Find detailed, comprehensive information on journals, magazines and other periodicals published throughout the world.
Coverage: current
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Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory indicates whether a publication is refereed (peer-reviewed) and lists the indexes and abstracts that include the publication.
Provides access to U.S. patents and patent applications.
Coverage: index, 1790 -images, 1790 -full text, 1976 -
Access thousands of academic books, in subject areas across the humanities, social sciences, sciences, medicine, and law.
Coverage: 2003 - present
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This is an OCUL pilot for ebooks from the University Press Scholarship Online for front-list titles. This will provide over 2600 books from ten University Presses, provided in 3 uploads (May, September, January) which will be available on the Scholars Portal platform and the UPSO platform.
Comprehensive evidence-based medical information written and peer-reviewed by and for practicing clinicians.
Coverage: Continuously updated
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Note: You will be asked to authenticate yourself as a member of the University of Waterloo community using your last name and barcode.
Pharmacopeial standards for medicines, dosage forms, drug substances, excipients, medical devices, and dietary supplements.
Coverage: Current ed.
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The United States Pharmacopeia and The National Formulary (USP–NF) is a combination of two compendia: the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the National Formulary (NF). It is a book of public pharmacopeial standards for chemical and biological drug substances, dosage forms, compounded preparations, excipients, medical devices, and dietary supplements. Monographs for drug substances, dosage forms, and compounded preparations are featured in the USP, monographs for dietary supplements and ingredients appear in a separate section of the USP, and excipient monographs are in the NF. The U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act designates the USP–NF as official compendia for drugs marketed in the United States.
Dissertations and Theses

UWSpace is the University of Waterloo's institutional repository for the research and scholarship produced by its faculty, students, and staff.
Coverage: mid 1990s - present

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Contains the research outputs of faculty and staff, dissertations, and undergraduate theses of 4th year honours students. This collection also includes a subset of Waterloo theses dated 1998-2002 that were scanned through the Theses Canada program.


Concise introductions to diverse range of subject areas. License allows for 3 simultaneous users.
Coverage: Varies by publication.
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Authoritative introductions on a range of subjects within the fields of economics, global studies, religious studies, environment, history, philosophy, literature & languages, medicine & health, physical sciences, physics & astronomy, social & behavioural sciences, and legal studies
Covers literature relating to viticulture and enology.
Coverage: From 1969 to January 2010: 60,500 documents
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Publications are accessible in the following areas: morphology, physiology, and biochemistry of grapevine, soil science, genetics and grapevine breeding, phytopathology and grapevine protection, cellar techniques, economics of viticulture and oenology, microbiology of wine.
This database features thousands of titles on the electoral process: how elections are conducted, how votes are counted, how political campaigns are run and funded, and who is allowed to vote. In addition to content about U.S. elections, users will also find hundreds of titles about elections around the world, from elections in Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.


Search for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1889 - 2000
Search for news, editorials, letters to the editor, obituaries, and birth and marriage announcements, historical photos, stock photos, and advertisements.
Coverage: 1877 - 2001

Search for newspapers and periodicals published in England during the 19th century.
Coverage: 1800 - 1900

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A directory of 50,000 newspapers and periodical publications published in England during the 19th century. This edition of the directory is the second in a series of five. Series 3-5 are forthcoming. Ultimately the 5th and final edition will provide descriptive entries for some 125,000 titles The current edition consolidates information culled from more than 6,000 secondary sources including scholarly resources for press historians and innumerable reference works on the history of Great Britain. Whenever possible, entries verify holdings for libraries and archival collections across North America and the United Kingdom. The directory also includes images of title pages for more than 9,000 Victorian periodicals. The Waterloo Directory online can be used for research in all subject disciplines. It allows researchers to identify and access primary sources for historic content such as: Transportation schedules (1830-1900) for English cities and towns Obituaries published in any English town 1800-1900 Proceedings of scholarly societies published between 1820 and 1860 Descriptions and images of women's fashion in the 1850's

Search for newspapers and periodicals published in Ireland during the 19th century.
Coverage: 1800 - 1900

Search for newspapers and periodicals published in Scotland during the 19th century.
Coverage: 1800 - 1900

Search for newspapers and periodicals published in Wales during the 19th century.
Coverage:1800 - 1900
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Available to students, faculty and staff at the University of Waterloo.
Depending on your method of access, you may be asked to authenticate as a
member of the UWaterloo community.
News Sources: current
Search for current Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge and area news, as well as world news, editorials, and letters to the editor.
Coverage: October 1, 1990 - present
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Note: If you are at a public workstation you will be asked for your WatIAM (Quest) User ID and Password.

Articles and citations in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Coverage: Varies

Digital Copy Permitted

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eReserves Permitted Not Applicable

ILL e-copy Not Applicable

ILL Permitted Not Applicable

LEARN Use Permitted Not Applicable

Perpetual Access Right Yes

Print copy Permitted

Scholarly sharing Permitted

Text and Data Mining Permitted Ask

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Web of Science is comprised of several databases. The Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI) covers journals in the medical, physical and natural sciences, and engineering fields. The entire database extends back to 1899. The Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) covers journals in the social sciences. The entire database extends back to 1898. The Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) covers journals in the arts and humanities. It also selectively covers relevant items from science and technical journals. The entire database extends back to 1975.

Westlaw Canada is a legal database that offers comprehensive coverage of Canadian material as well as coverage of U.S. and International material.
Coverage: current
Repository for the World Health Organization published material. It includes journal articles, technical documents, and evaluation reports.
Coverage: 1866 - present
A multidisciplinary collection of online books and journals covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
Coverage: varies
Alumni Access
Primary Sources

Primary and secondary materials about the history of women in social movements.
Coverage: 1600 - 2000

Primary Sources
Find primary sources relating to women’s activism. Featured are female-authored literature and women’s periodicals.
Coverage: 1800s - 2000

Abstracts on all areas of finance from journals, magazines, and research reports.
Coverage: 1984 - present

Primary Sources
Contains copies of three English language newspapers: The India Gazette (1782-1834); The Bengal Hurkaru and Chronicle (1822-1866); and The Bengal Times (1876-1908).
Coverage: 1782 - 1908
Primary Sources
English translations of and English-language radio and television broadcasts, newspapers, books, and United States government documents, relating to global reaction to major protest and reform movements.
Coverage: 1945 - 1996
Shakespeare-related scholarship and theatrical productions published or produced worldwide between 1960 and the present time.
Coverage: 1960 - present
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The scope is international, with coverage extending to more than 92 languages and representing every country in North America, South America, and Europe, and nearly every country in Asia, Africa, and Australasia.
Articles, abstracts and citations from international journals in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, public policy, public administration and law.
Coverage: 1975 - present

For financial and accounting research. It makes available: COMPUSTAT North America, CRSP, Corporate Library, Mergent FISD, and NYSE TAQ.
Coverage: varies

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Note: New users must fill out and submit the account request form found on the WRDS homepage; applicants will receive a notice of account acceptance by email.


zbMATH Open
Open Access
Open Access

zbMATH Open (formerly known as Zentralblatt MATH) indexes research in pure
and applied mathematics.

More Info

From the European Mathematical Society (EMS), the Heidelberg Academy of
Sciences and Humanities, and FIZ Karlsruhe, zbMATH Open contains around 4.2
million bibliographic entries with reviews or abstracts drawn from more than
3,000 journals and book series, and some 190,000 books. Coverage starts in
the 18th century, is complete from 1868 to the present day, due to the
integration of the "Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik" database.
zbMATH Open has been available as an open access database since January 2021.


Alternate Name(s):BlackLanguageSyllabus
Video and Images
Find videos, reading lists, and more relating to the study and use of Black Language with a focus on African American language/speech practices. Sections include:* Black Language Magazine*, *Black Language Homework*, and *Black Language Demands*.

Coverage: 1800s - present
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From the website: "... a space for political discussions and praxis of Black Language as guided by the work of teacher-researcher-activists in classrooms and communities who stand against institutions that seek to annihilate Black Language + Black Life. [...] #BlackLanguageSyllabus is for Black Language speakers who are looking to re-educate themselves about our mother tongue, academics and educators looking to reimagine their classroom curricula and pedagogies, and for anyone who is interested in learning about Black Language + Black liberation."