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16 Databases Found for:Data and Statistics

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Data and Statistics
Primary Sources
Video and Images
Combines climate science, mapping, and storytelling together with Indigenous Knowledges and community-based research and video.


Data and Statistics
Primary Sources
Find primary sources relating to individuals from around the world involved in the slave trade - including enslaved people, enslavers, and slave traders. Explore stories, biographies, documents, and data visualizations that are presented and centered in ways that honour enslaved persons.
Coverage: 1500s - 1880s


Data and Statistics
An online service from the First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC), it's a source of information about First Nations people living on reserve and in northern communities across Canada.
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The published data are in the form of charts, tables and graphs that can be exported. The data include the /First Nations Regional Health Survey (FNRHS, or RHS) / and the /First Nations Regional Early Childhood, Education and Employment Survey (FNREEES).


Data and Statistics
Covers external debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, key debt ratios, average terms of new commitments, currency composition of long-term debt, debt restructuring, and scheduled debt service projections.
Coverage: 1970 - present
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Data can be exported to programs such as Excel. The database is updated periodically with annual data loaded in January. Published by the World Bank GDF Online (Global Development Finance).


Data and Statistics
Research and survey data in the social and behavioural sciences from around the world. Themes include education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, racial issues, and more.
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Available to students, faculty and staff at the University of Waterloo.
Depending on your method of access, you may be asked to authenticate as a member of the UWaterloo community.

Simultaneous users: Unlimited
Data and Statistics
Do not login because logging in is not needed or functional for this database
It provides completely identified inorganic crystal structures. It contains experimental inorganic structures, experimental metal-organic structures, and theoretical inorganic structures. .
Coverage: 1913 to present
Data and Statistics
Internationally comparable, country-level economic and financial time series data. Standard source of statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance.
Coverage: varies
Data and Statistics
Canadian and international public opinion polls on all matter of topics.
Coverage: 1995 - present


Data and Statistics
Find quantifiable data relating to the relative importance of journals within their subject categories. Covers all disciplines.
Coverage: 1997 - present
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The Journal Citation Reports (JCR) module within InCites allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from scholarly and technical journals and conference proceedings.


Data and Statistics
Provides data and technical references.
Coverage: n.a.


Data and Statistics
Access to Statistics Canada's Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs)
Coverage: Varies
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ODESI is a web-based retrieval system for accessing Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs) and other datasets provided under the Data Liberation Initiative (DLI). Access to files is available to current faculty, students, and staff and may only be used for research, teaching, and non-commercials activities.


Data and Statistics
Pitchbook tracks private and public companies, including startups and small businesses. Use it to determine company financials, funding rounds, funding firms, and more.
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Users must create an account with their Waterloo email address to login.
Data and Statistics
Public opinion polls, with survey questions and responses, from around the world.
Coverage: 1986 - present
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Search topics such as immigration, health care, security, economy, and education. Results can be saved, exported, and depicted in graph form.

Note: A limited number of users may access this database simultaneously; if you are unable to connect, please try later.


Data and Statistics
Authoritative information in organic, inorganic and organometallic chemistry.
Coverage: 1779 - present
Data and Statistics
Search United States-based surveys via iPOLL.
Coverage: 1935 - present


Data and Statistics
Provides over 1 million statistics, data, and facts from over 600 industries and 50+ countries.