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12 Databases Found for:Video and Images

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Video and Images
Provides interactive 3D anatomy views covering the whole body.
Coverage: Current
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Choose from over 290 interactive 3D anatomy views, including 148 trigger points, covering the whole body. Over 75 animations cover many common movements such as flexion, extension, adduction and abduction for the head and neck, upper extremity, trunk, pelvis and lower extremity. Each animation can be exported into PowerPoint for presentations or teaching. It includes gross motor movement animations and a library of more than 80 surface anatomy movies show the muscle action for real-life context. This popular and versatile digital resource, featuring an interactive 3D skeleton, brings functional anatomy to life using accurate 3D anatomy and animation.

Note: Access Available to current faculty, students and staff of the University of Waterloo
Primary Sources
Video and Images
Collection of images of architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative art, design, and various forms of visual culture. Artstor's high-quality collections and key functionality are now on JSTOR.
Coverage: prehistoric - present
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ARTstor's software tools allow the viewing and analyzing of images through features such as zooming and panning, saving groups of images online for personal or shared uses, and creating and delivering both online and offline presentations.


Video and Images
Find videos, reading lists, and more relating to the study and use of Black Language with a focus on African American language/speech practices. Sections include:* Black Language Magazine*, *Black Language Homework*, and *Black Language Demands*. Full title: #BlackLanguageSyllabus

Coverage: 1800s - present
More Info
From the website: "... a space for political discussions and praxis of Black Language as guided by the work of teacher-researcher-activists in classrooms and communities who stand against institutions that seek to annihilate Black Language + Black Life. [...]

#BlackLanguageSyllabus is for Black Language speakers who are looking to re-educate themselves about our mother tongue, academics and educators looking to reimagine their classroom curricula and pedagogies, and for anyone who is interested in learning about Black Language + Black liberation."


Data and Statistics
Primary Sources
Video and Images
Combines climate science, mapping, and storytelling together with Indigenous Knowledges and community-based research and video.
Video and Images
Criterion-on-Demand is an online platform for feature films and
feature length documentaries. It contains programs from producers such as
Paramount, DreamWorks, Warner Brothers, Lionsgate Films, Mongrel Media,
Miramax Films and more. There are a variety of subject areas: Action films,
Animation, Comedy, Literary Adaptations, etc and there are more than 3000
titles available. It also offers some French versions and subtitled versions.

Coverage: Current
News Sources: current
Primary Sources
Video and Images
Videos and sound recordings of selected documentaries produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC / Radio-Canada). Find a selection of English and French language television and radio programs, and news reports.
Coverage: 1945 - present


Video and Images

The DETAIL Inspiration database for architects and structural
engineers is an image and reference full-text database containing over 5,900
international project documentations of building projects from 60 years of

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Search and filter options include building type, material,
year of construction, and DETAIL issue topic. The search enables users to
find creative building solutions in a targeted, fast, and problem-oriented
manner. The project descriptions with reference photos, drawings, and
technical information are available for download.


Video and Images
The Index of Medieval Art houses, contextualizes, and presents images and information relating to the iconographic traditions of the medieval world. Includes approximately 350,000 images and data from the “Long Middle Ages,” from early apostolic times until the sixteenth century. Originally called the Index of Christian Art, reflecting its beginnings as a focused resource for the study of early Christian art, the Index now sets its parameters more broadly, including works from multiple medieval faith traditions as well as secular imagery.


Video and Images
Link to documentaries, animations, experimental films, and fiction produced by the National Film Board of Canada.
Coverage: 1930s - present


Primary Sources
Video and Images
Find diaries, letters, biographies, oral histories, government documents, videos, and periodicals, and more originating from the United States, Canada, and Europe. Scholarly commentary also included.
Coverage: 1960-1974


Theatre in Video
Alumni Access
Alumni Access
Video and Images

Plays, documentaries, interviews, and instructional materials in more than 550 hours of streaming video.
Coverage: 1930s - present

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Theatre in Video brings together hundreds of the world’s most important plays, documentaries, interviews, and instructional materials in more than 550 hours of streaming video. From celebrated productions of Shakespeare to rare, in-depth footage of the work of Samuel Beckett, the collection covers a wide range of 20th century theatre history. Interviews with directors, designers, writers, and actors, along with excerpts of live performances, deliver an authentic, behind-the-scenes look at hundreds of productions.


Alternate Name(s):BlackLanguageSyllabus
Video and Images
Find videos, reading lists, and more relating to the study and use of Black Language with a focus on African American language/speech practices. Sections include:* Black Language Magazine*, *Black Language Homework*, and *Black Language Demands*.

Coverage: 1800s - present
More Info
From the website: "... a space for political discussions and praxis of Black Language as guided by the work of teacher-researcher-activists in classrooms and communities who stand against institutions that seek to annihilate Black Language + Black Life. [...] #BlackLanguageSyllabus is for Black Language speakers who are looking to re-educate themselves about our mother tongue, academics and educators looking to reimagine their classroom curricula and pedagogies, and for anyone who is interested in learning about Black Language + Black liberation."