Many of the databases have a GetIt!@Waterloo button beside each abstract. If we subscribe to that journal online it can be a quick way to connect to the article.
News, business magazines, trade journals, newsletters, and television and radio transcripts. Coverage: 1970s - present. Varies by publication
Factiva forbids storing or using search results in research applications such as data mining or trend analysis. Note: If you are at a public workstation you will be asked for your WatIAM (Quest) User ID and Password.
News, legal, and business sources from around the world, Find news, legislation, case law, statutes, company profiles, market & industry reports. Coverage: 1970s - present
Note: If you are at a public workstation you will be asked for your WatIAM (Quest) User ID and Password.
Articles on business and management from U.S. and international journals and trade magazines, including company histories, competitive intelligence, and product development. Coverage: 1971 - present
Includes scholarly journals, trade magazines, working papers, market research, and company profiles.
Peer-reviewed literature from scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Coverage: 1966 - present
Articles and citations in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. Coverage: Varies
Web of Science is comprised of several databases. The Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI) covers journals in the medical, physical and natural sciences, and engineering fields. The entire database extends back to 1899. The Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) covers journals in the social sciences. The entire database extends back to 1898. The Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) covers journals in the arts and humanities. It also selectively covers relevant items from science and technical journals. The entire database extends back to 1975.
Full text of journal, magazine, and newspaper articles relating to business, culture, current events, education, language, agriculture, history, and politics in Canada. Coverage: 1982 - present
Economic literature relating to business administration, economic development, economic history, industrial organization and macroeconomics. Coverage: 1969 - present
Access Engineering is an engineering-focused reference platform that provides access to e-books for academics, students, and professionals. Coverage: varies
AccessEngineering is an engineering-focused reference platform that provides access to e-books for academics, students, and professionals. Includes textbooks like Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook; Datavis, a data visualization tool; and hundreds of faculty-created videos.
Note: Available to students, faculty and staff at the University of Waterloo. Depending on your method of access, you may be asked to authenticate as a member of the UWaterloo community.
Ebooks, and book chapters from physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, health sciences, social sciences, humanities, business, and education. Coverage: To current