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Economics: Indigenous Research & Resources

Indigenous Ways of Knowing

This page is meant to provide entry points for researchers interested in discovering more about Indigenous ways of knowing to influence their academic research. The focus of the resources provided here are on First Nations, Inuit, and Métis groups in North America and the area that is commonly known as Canada, though other Indigenous groups may be represented in some of the works listed.

It is important to remember when engaging with Indigenous knowledge, people and culture, that just as there are many different European cultures and people, there are many different Indigenous cultures and people. Indigenous people do not exist as a monolith. Indigenous ways of knowing differ between groups and cultures. It's important to be specific about the culture you are referring to and to avoid sweeping generalizations referring to Pan Indigenity.  

Indigenous Research Methodologies

The Indigenous Studies Guide offers many resources to start you thinking about Indigenous research methodologies. Also, check out the Indigenous Research Methodologies Guide from the University of British Columbia (UBC).


Your Comments & Suggestions

This page is a work in progress and I would love your feedback - improvements, more resources, etc. Please email me with suggestions.

Indigenous Research & Data Sovereignty - Nothing about us without us

It is important to remember that all research being conducted must be done hand-in-hand with that community. "Nothing about us without us" is a motto which must be adhered to in an ethical research process.

Further, all data collected belong to the community.

For more information on ethical conduct in Indigenous research, data sovereignty, and training resources, please visit the Indigenous Research Guide: Sovereignty, data and statistics. 

For further reading

Kits, Gerda J. 2018. "Educating for Reconciliation in the Economics Classroom." International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 9 no. 3: 254-273.

Kassam, Karim-Aly and Wisdom J. Tettey. 2003. "Academics as Citizens--Collaborative Applied Interdisciplinary Research in the Service Communities." Canadian Journal of Development Studies 24 no. 1 (January): 155-174.

Langdon, Jonathan. 2013. "Decolonising Development Studies: Reflections on Critical Pedagogies in Action." Canadian Journal of Development Studies 34 no. 3 (September): 384-399.

Sam, Michele A. 2011. "An Indigenous Knowledges Perspective on Valid Meaning Making: A Commentary on Research with the EDI and Aboriginal Communities." Social Indicators Research 103 no. 2 (September): 315-325.



Heber, Robert Wesley. 2005. "Indigenous Knowledge, Resources use, and the Dene of Northern Saskatchewan." Canadian Journal of Development Studies 26 no. 2 (January): 247-256.

Jongwe, Antony I., Peter W. Moroz, Moses Gordon, and Robert B. Anderson. 2020. "Strategic Alliances in Firm-Centric and Collective Contexts: Implications for Indigenous Entrepreneurship." Economies 8 no. 2 (June).

Reed, Graeme, Nicolas D. Brunet, Deborah McGregor, Curtis Scurr, Tonio Sadik, and Jamie Lavigne. 2022. "Toward Indigenous Visions of Nature-Based Solutions: An Exploration into Canadian Federal Climate Policy." Climate Policy 22 no. 4 (April): 514-533.

Spiegel, Samuel J. 2021. "Fossil Fuel Violence and Visual Practices on Indigenous Land: Watching, Witnessing and Resisting Settler-Colonial Injustices." Energy Research and Social Science 79 (September).