Dictionary of Contemporary Religion in the Western World
Porter Ref BL31 .D544 2002
Succinct single-volume work with entries on particular religions as well as individual topics.
Dictionary of the Old Testament
Porter Ref BS1225.52 D53 2003
Dictionary of the Old Testament
Porter Ref BS1205.55 .D53 2005
Harper's Dictionary of Hinduism: Its Mythology, Folklore, Philosophy, Literature, and History
Porter Ref BL1105.S77 1977
Brief entries. Provides pronunciation guide for romanized Sanskrit characters, a list of English and Sanskrit equivalents, and bibliographic references.
Nelson's Dictionary of Christianity: the authoritative resource on the Chrisian world
Porter Ref BX4654.B8 1956
Four volume set. Scholarly dictionary with citations to primary source materials. Calendar arrangement, index by name.
Cambridge History of Islam
Porter Ref DS35.6.C3
Two volumes presenting the history of Islam as a cultural whole
Encyclopaedia Judaica
Porter Ref DS102.8.E5x 1971-1972
Encyclopaedia of Islam
Porter Ref DS37.E523
Signed articles with bibliographies on subjects in biography, history, geography, religious beliefs, institutions, manners and customs, tribes, industries, and science.
Encyclopedia of African American Religions
Porter Ref BR563.N4E53 1993
Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Porter Ref BQ128 .E62 2003
Encyclopedia of Early Christianity
Porter Ref BR162.2.E53 1990
Covers the time period from the life of Jesus to 600 A.D. Covers persons, places, doctrines, practices, art, liturgy, heresies, and schisms
Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen
Porter Ref BL1005.L4813 1989
Gives basic terminology and doctrinal systems of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Zen.
Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World
Porter Ref BP40 .E525 2004
Encyclopedia of Millennialism and Millennial Movements
Porter Ref BT891.E53 2000
Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Porter Ref BX4811.3 .E54 2005
Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Porter Ref BX4811.3 .E53 2004
Four volumes
Encyclopedia of Religion
Porter Ref BL31.E46 1987
Encyclopedia of Religion and Society
Porter Ref BL60.E53 1998
Comprehensive single-volume work covering World religions. Excellent source for the study of anthropology, psychology, politics, or sociology of religion.
Encyclopedia of Religion in America
Renison Ref BL2520.E52 2010
Authoritative 4-volume work explores the origins, development, influence, and interrelations of the many faiths practiced in North America, including major world religions and emerging sects, cults, and movements.
Encyclopedia of Religious Rites, Rituals, and Festivals