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Geography & Environmental Management: Find articles

A listing of resources for geographers

Seeking and searching

About this page


This page lists databases for almost everything, and for specific topics, such as:

  • climate change
  • arctic mountains and glaciers
  • agriculture
  • aviation
  • geographic information systems (GIS)
  • hydrology
  • remote sensing imagery
  • soil health, wetlands
  • health


A brief review of databases:

  • how to navigate
  • what they contain
  • some of the functions and benefits

Find articles for almost everything


Many databases offer a broad range of subjects in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences, and there are other databases structured to inform on a specific discipline. Learning to navigate a database is key to finding what you need. The platforms look different, but the functionality of the features are quite similar. Use the advanced search option, pay attention to the fields you search in, and use the operators. Operators are signals to the system to parse out a different set of results. The three main operators are AND, OR, NOT. Essential to their capital letter format for the system to recognize it as an operator, and not as a regular word. AND combines ideas, for example, ecology AND metaphor. OR expands the search by grouping like-minded ideas together, for example, river OR stream OR lake. NOT is used if a term that you are not interested in keeps showing up in your results. For example, if you are interested in "creepy crawlers" but not  zombies, yet zombies continue to populate your results, you could search for "creepy crawlers" NOT zombies. Notice the use of double quotes for "creepy crawlers". The system will conduct a phrase search for two or more words contained within the double quotes. For example, "climate change", "invasive species", "food security". Single words do not need the double quote format.

Contact me for assistance with searching a database, and getting the most out of it.


Check references in:

  • books
  • book chapters
  • encyclopedias
  • government information
  • technical reports
  • working papers
  • articles
  • magazines
  • news items
  • catalogues
  • pamphlets


It is often useful to skim the references to find more information on your topic. Many of these references are available in the library collections.






















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