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RS 327/CLAS 326/GSJ 327: The Body, Dress, and Religion: Finding books & articles

Library databases

Library databases may be multidisciplinary or subject-focused. Most of these lead you to literature published by scholars. Still other databases contain collections of primary sources such as original ancient texts, newspapers, letters, and videos.

The Library subscribes to over 400 databases. You can search or browse by the database name or filter by broad subject area (e.g., Classical Studies) or source type (e.g., Primary Sources) using the dropdown menus.

Following are some of the databases subscribed to by the Library for each of the course areas. See the relevant Research Guides for more possibilities.

Omni, the library catalogue

Omni's advanced search lets you apply filters that suit your research parameters. Limit for example, to: "Waterloo online resources" then enter keywords that describe your topic.

See Book pick-up and delivery services on how to obtain print materials.

Library catalogue

Search for books or articles


Advanced search

Multidisciplinary Databases

Religious Studies Databases

Classical Studies Databases

Gender & Social Justice Databases

Specific journals

The following are some specific journals suggested by Prof. Batten.