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Showing 1 Guides

Feb 28, 2025 292

Showing 13 Databases

Full-text access to journals covering physics, astronomy, electronics, engineering, materials science, mathematics and associated disciplines.
Coverage: 1975 - present
Interface for searching articles in leading international physics research journals.
Coverage: Varies

A pre-print server which hosts papers (that have not been peer reviewed) relating to physics, mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, qualitative biology and statistics
Coverage: 1991 - present

Property data on chemical compounds and all physical particles that have
been reported in the literature; reviewed by subject experts.
Coverage: 2003-2004 to 2020-2021
Provides information on the mathematics behind fluid flows through experimental and computational demonstrations.
Coverage: varies
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It provides completely identified inorganic crystal structures. It contains experimental inorganic structures, experimental metal-organic structures, and theoretical inorganic structures. .
Coverage: 1913 to present
The INSPEC Archive 1898 - 1968 covers published literature in physics, electrical engineering, and computing and control.
Coverage: 1898 - 1968
Contains books and journals published by the Institute of Physics.
Coverage: varies
Full-text access to journals covering physics, astronomy, electronics, engineering, materials science, mathematics and associated disciplines.
Coverage: 1975 - present

Peer-reviewed literature from scientific journals, books and conference proceedings, covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
Coverage: 1966 - present

Articles, conference proceedings, books, dissertations in optics, photonics, imaging, lasers, sensing, and nanotechnology.
Coverage: 1990 - present
Covers multiple material classes, property types, and applications for identifying material properties.
Coverage: Current

Articles and citations in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Coverage: Varies


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Physics Experts


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Siu Hong Yu
Davis Centre Library
519-888-4567 x45012