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Arts 130: The Importance of Fantasy: How to use this guide

A Library guide supporting Dr. De Roover's Arts130 section

Prepare for a fantastic research journey!

Fantastical forest pictures

Creative Commons images left-to-right by Alistair Edmondson, Brett Kiger, and mirror of erised

This guide is your road map as you embark upon your research journey. Use it for guidance on key resources, research skills development, and practical how-to information on citation, reading and note-taking, and more.

You may find this guide particularly useful for your final manifesto assignment, which requires you to "meaningfully integrate a minimum of three secondary sources", as it provides guidance on creating a search strategy, locating and evaluating sources, and MLA citation style.

Navigating the guide

  • Each page in this guide corresponds to a step in the research process, and contains a combination of resources, activities, and information for you to use when conducting research. 
  • Review the guide sequentially and then, as needed, revisit each section as you complete your research assignment. 

Your Librarian

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Stephanie Mutch
Musagetes Architecture Library
519-888-4567 ext. 40344
Subjects: Architecture, Fine Arts

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