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Anthropology: Get Started

Anthropology Subject Page

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About this guide

This Guide describes uWaterloo Library resources and services that are relevant for learning and research in Anthropology.

Drawing of a primate skeleton

Library of Congress Call numbers of interest to Anthropology

CC Archaeology
E51-E74 Pre-Columbian America
E75-99 Indians of North America
F1218.5 - F1221 Indians of Mexico
GN Anthropology
GR Folklore
QE882.P7 Primates, Fossil
QH431 Human Genetics
QL737.P9-QL737.P965 Primates
QP98 Blood Groups
R134.8 Palaeontology
RA1059 Forensic Osteology
Z1208-1210 Indians of North America –Bibliography
Z5111-5119 Anthropology and Ethnology -Bibliography

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Main Anthropology Databases

Your Librarian

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Tim Ireland
(519) 888-4567 X45061

uWaterloo Anthropology department

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