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Peace Research at the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: Bibliography

Mennonite Archives of Ontario

Conrad Grebel University College
140 Westmount Rd N
Waterloo, ON  N2L 3G6

519-885-0220 x24238

Laureen Harder-Gissing MA MISt

9:00-4:00 Monday to Friday
Making an appointment is recommended

Archives is on the third floor of Conrad Grebel University College, within the Milton Good Library.

The Mennonite Archives of Ontario collects and preserves archival materials that reflect the Mennonite experience in Ontario and makes them available to anyone with a legitimate research interest.

Materials in many formats documenting predominantly local and provincial activities. Some materials also have national and international significance.

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Copyright Information

All information on this guide is ©2013 by the Mennonite Archives of Ontario, Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Permission is granted to include URL references to this information for noncommercial purposes, provided that proper attribution is given.

Photographs on this website cannot be reproduced without permission.

Citation example (Chicago style):

Harder-Gissing, Laureen. 'Introduction." Peace Research at the Mennonite Archives of Ontario, Mennonite Archives of Ontario. Accessed 17 Oct 2013.


The following secondary sources were consulted in preparing the Introduction and Historical Orientations for this guide:

Bender, Harold S. “New Source Material for the History of the Mennonites in Ontario.” Mennonite Quarterly Review 3 n.1 (1929): 42-53.

Burkholder, John R. "Peace." In Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. Article published 1989. Accessed 24 Sep 2013.  

Burkholder, L.J. A Brief History of the Mennonites in Ontario. Markham: Mennonite Conference of Ontario, 1935.

Burkholder, Paul H. and John M. Bender. "Ontario (Canada)." In Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. Article published 1990.  Accessed 30 September 2013.

Classen, Paul. "Statistics on Mennonite Central Committee Personnel." Mennonite Quarterly Review XLIV no. 3 (July 1970): 326.

Eby, Ezra, A Biographical History of Early Settlers and Their Descendants in Waterloo Township. Kitchener, Ont.: Eldon D. Weber, 1971.

Epp, Frank H. Mennonites in Canada, 1786-1920: The History of a Separate People, Vol. 1. Toronto:  Macmillan, 1974.

_____. Mennonites in Canada, 1920-1940: A People’s Struggle for Survival, Vol. 2. Toronto: Macmillan, 1982.

Epp, Marlene. Mennonites in Ontario. Rev. ed. Waterloo, Ont.: Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, 2012.

Good, E. Reginald. "War as a Factor in Mennonite Economic Policy: a Case Study of Insurance Institutions Sponsored by the Ontario Conference, 1864-1954." Thesis (MA), University of Waterloo, 1984.

_____. Frontier Community to Urban Congregation: First Mennonite Church, Kitchener, 1813-1988. Kitchener, Ont.: [the Church]: 1988.

Harder, Laureen. "Canadian Mennonites and Citizen Activism, 1970-2000," Journal of Mennonite Studies 37 (2019): 133-157.

_____. “Companions on the ‘Lonely Path’: The Conference of Historic Peace Churches, 1940-1964.” Canadian Quaker History Journal  76 (2011): 1-16.

_____.One Photograph, Many Stories: A Mennonite Congregation’s Diverse Response to War.” Journal of Mennonite Studies 25 (2007): 137-144.

_____. Risk and Endurance: a History of Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church. Kitchener, Ont.: [the Church], 2003.

Hershberger, Guy F., Ernst Crous and John R. Burkholder. "Nonresistance." In Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. Article published 1989. Accessed 29 September 2013.

Marr, Lucille. The Transforming Power of a Century: Mennonite Central Committee and its Evolution in Ontario. Kitchener, Ont.: Pandora Press,   2003.

Paetkau, Henry.  "Separation or Integration? : The Russian Mennonite Immigrant Community in Ontario, 1924-45." PhD. diss., University of Western Ontario, 1986.

Regehr, T.D. Mennonites in Canada, 1939-1970: A People Transformed. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996.

Sauder, Dorothy M. "Mennonite Central Committee: Early Days at the Kitchener, Ontario Office." Mennogesprach 7 n.1 (March 1989): 1-3.

Steiner, Samuel J. "Alternative Service or Alternative Resistance? A Vietnam War Draft Resister in Canada." Journal Of Mennonite Studies 25 (2007): 195-204.

Toews, J. A. Alternative Service in Canada during World War II. Winnipeg: Publication Committee of the Canadian Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1959.