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Conrad Grebel University College
140 Westmount Rd N
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G6
519-885-0220 x24238
Laureen Harder-Gissing MA MISt
9:00-4:00 Monday to Friday
Making an appointment is recommended
Archives is on the third floor of Conrad Grebel University College, within the Milton Good Library.
The Mennonite Archives of Ontario collects and preserves archival materials that reflect the Mennonite experience in Ontario and makes them available to anyone with a legitimate research interest.
Materials in many formats documenting predominantly local and provincial activities. Some materials also have national and international significance.
There is no one standard style for archival citation. However, citations should have a style that is consistent and will allow future researchers to easily locate the cited materials. The Mennonite Archives of Ontario recommends a Chicago Manual of Style format modified to suit the way our materials are organized.
Item title, Item date, Fonds/collection title, Repository name, Fonds/collection number.
First note:
Dilman Moyer to Jacob Groff, 24 Sep 1849, Lewis J. Burkholder fonds, Mennonite Archives of Ontario (hereafter Burkholder fonds, MAO), 1.4.1/M3.
Second note, same collection/fonds, same item:
Dilman Moyer to Jacob Groff, 24 Sep 1849, Burkholder fonds, MAO.
First note:
Meeting calendar for Waterloo County Tunkers, 1888-1889, Joseph Witmer collection, Mennonite Archives of Ontario (hereafter Witmer collection, MAO), 2.72/1.
Second note, same collection/fonds, different item in different file:
Revival meetings at the "Zion Church near Martin's school," 1888, Witmer collection, MAO, 2.72/2.
Fonds/collection title, File classification number, Repository name.
Frank H. Epp fonds, Hist.Mss.1.26, Mennonite Archives of Ontario.
When crediting photographs, begin with a caption, include the date (to the extent that it is known), credit the photographer or a collector (if known) and the Archives. The caption should adequately describe the photograph in plain language. The inclusion of the classification number is optional. A full stop (period) after the credit is not necessary.
Farmers rebuilding a shed in Elmira, Ontario, March 8, 1952. Credit: David L. Hunsberger, Mennonite Archives of Ontario
Conrad Grebel College students in the library, 1969. Credit: David L. Hunsberger, Mennonite Archives of Ontario (2013-1.129)
Missionary Bernhard Toews (centre) and Rev. Heinz Dueck (left) on their way to a conference at Gartenthal church, Uruguay, 1964. Credit: Mennonite Archives of Ontario
Tune book belonging to Magdalena Moyer, 1804. Credit: Leslie R. Gray collection, Mennonite Archives of Ontario (HM 10.4.C.2)