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It is extremely important to cite ALL references.
It is extremely important to cite all references, both within your paper and in the bibliography, correctly.
For your Senior Honours Paper, it is recommended that you use Chicago Style Author-Date System.
First Author, last name first and full first name/s, Subsequent Authors, full first names, then last name. Year of publication. Title, in italics. Place of publication: Publisher.
Courchene, Thomas J. and John R. Allan, eds. 2010. Canada: The State of the
Federation 2009: Carbon Pricing and Environmental Federalism. Montreal and
Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press.
Journal Article
First Author, last name first and full first name/s, Subsequent Authors, full first names, then last name. Year of publication. “Article title.” Journal title, in italics volume number no. issue number (issue month/season): page numbers.
Csordas, Stefan and Frank C. Krysiak. 2011. "Optimal Containment and Policy
Differentiation Under Unilateral Climate Policy." Canadian Journal of Economics
44 no. 3 (August): 814-837.