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KIN 470: PubMed: reviews and more

This library guide outlines useful health resources for completing your research assignments for KIN 470.


PubMed logoPubMed is the primary database for health related research.  All health researchers and practitioners should be knowledgeable in how to search it effectively.

ALWAYS link to PubMed through the  UW Library Research Databases.  After connecting with your WatIAm, you will have to all the full text articles available at the Waterloo Library.  

Start with a good PubMed search strategy

Find the best evidence by building a comprehensive search strategy using multiple keywords.  This systematic approach to searching helps to ensure an efficient and comprehensive scan of the literature.

Sample research question:

Is balance training an effective intervention for reducing falls in the older population?

Sample search strategy:

(balance training OR balance exercises) AND (older adults OR elderly OR aging) AND (fall prevention OR accidental falls)


OR: groups related words or synonyms together

AND: separates main concepts of the research topic


Some research databases have special symbols that allow you to create a search strategy with more precision

child*: using truncation (*) searches different word endings such as child, childhood, children

"older adult*":  phrase searching ("  ") searches for the keywords as a phrase, in the exact order you wrote them.

Is there already a published literature review on your topic?

pubmed review filter screenshotA review article is a useful starting point when researching a new topic.  The authors have already synthesized the research in the field and summarized it into a readable format.  Use the PubMed filters to limit to Review, Systematic Review or Meta analysis