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Expo 67, Montreal's geodesic dome. Photo by Joe Wolf via Flickr.
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Find documents from 1st European contact to recent student activism, including items relating to Indigenous-settler relations, cookbooks, women's writings, and more.
Coverage: Pre-1970
Many of the links in this section were compiled and annotated by Joshua Pride under the direction of Prof. Geoffrey Hayes, Winter 2014. Updated 2021.
Find documents from 1st European contact to recent student activism, including items relating to Indigenous-settler relations, cookbooks, women's writings, and more.
Coverage: Pre-1970
Biographies, autobiographies, speeches, diaries, letters, and oral histories on Indigenous peoples of North America.
Coverage: 17th century - present
Periodicals by feminists, student radicals, Indigenous peoples, anti-war activists, Black rights advocates, two spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual (2SLGBTQ+) activists, extreme right-wing press, and more.
Coverage: 1950s - present
Find documents from 1st European contact to recent student activism, including items relating to Indigenous-settler relations, cookbooks, women's writings, and more.
Coverage: Pre-1970
Manuscripts, pamphlets, books, paintings, maps and images relating to enslavement.
Coverage: 1490 - 2007
Find documents from 1st European contact to recent student activism, including items relating to Indigenous-settler relations, cookbooks, women's writings, and more.
Coverage: Pre-1970