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GIS for Architecture: Citing GIS data

How to Cite Geospatial Data

The University of Waterloo's Geospatial Centre has a list of the best practices regarding citations for cartographic materials.

There are several ways to cite geospatial resources. Each of these citations are made using the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition, chapters 14.257,

The importance of citations is to ensure that the reader is able to find the exact resource that you used, keep this in mind when creating citations. 

Example Citation for Geospatial Data 

Author. Title. File Format. Last modified date [if available;if not, include date of access]. URL.

  • City of Cambridge. Contours 2012. Shapefile. March 8, 2019.
  • Scholars GeoPortal. Great Lakes Bathymetry. Vector Shapefile. July 2, 2014.


Example Citation for GIS Software

Author. Software name (version information). Format. City: Publisher, Year Published. URL [If available]

  • QGIS Development Team. QGIS Geographic Information System (version 3.10). Software. 2020.
  • Esri Inc. ArcMap (version 10.8). Software. 2020.

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