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Arts 130: Religion: the good and the bad: Guide overview

Welcome to Arts 140: From Polar Bears to Bumblebees (Fall 2023)

This Course Guide will help you find and evaluate quality resources for your Biodiversity Awareness Campaign. It reiterates some of the information from the presentation on September 25, 2023, as well as providing some additional information that you might find useful, including an overview on using the Library and the physical space.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Your Library Card

Your Library card is your WatCard. Use it to take out books and other physical items from the Library.

Remote Access to Library Resources

When accessing academic/scholarly materials such as journal articles, it is always best to start at the Library's homepage. By doing so, you will be prompted for your WatIAM credentials (the same ones you use for LEARN and Quest) and will have free access to any of the resources to which the Library subscribes. 

Basic Searching Techniques

  • Choose an appropriate resource
    • Books
    • Articles
      • databases
      • specific journals
    • Primary Sources
  • Break down your topic
    • imagine the title of the ideal book or magazine article
    • identify the key concepts
    • think of synonyms or alternate words for each of the key concepts
  • Use appropriate searching techniques
    • boolean operators (and, or, not)
    • phrase searching
    • truncation/wildcard symbols
    • field searching
    • setting limits
    • refining your search (using subject headings/descriptors and other terminology)

Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Sandra Keys
Dana Porter Library
Information Services & Resources (ISR)