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Indigenous engineering - building a better future: Finding and citing Indigenous scholars

Finding Indigenous scholars and publishers

Are you looking for Indigenous scholars, but aren't sure where to start? The Library can help! 

The Library's Indigenous Research Guide highlights Indigenous Scholars and Publishers to help you find Indigenous experts and Indigenous-focused publishers, specifically within Canada. 

For links to specific books, check out the Library's Indigenous Peoples In Canada Reading List, which links to books by Indigenous authors in our Library catalogue. 

Finding works by Indigenous groups or organizations

OMNI, the Library's catalogue, can be used to find publications by Indigenous groups and organizations.

  1. Open the OMNI Advanced Search.
  2. Under the Any Field drop down, select "Author/Creator."
  3. Use the search phrase "first nation" OR indigenous OR metis OR inuit. Click Search.
    1. (The term "OR" is capitalized to denote its status as a Boolean operator)
  4. Optional:use a second search box to include additional keywords, such as "entrepreneur," "engineering." or "environmental impacts."

The advanced search interface of the Library’s catalogue OMNI, with the example search described above demonstrated

Finding Indigenous authors through reverse lookup

Reverse lookup is a way of finding related content once you have already found a book or article of interest. In this case, you might find other Indigenous scholars, or people writing on Indigenous-related topics. Here are some tips: 

  • Flip to the reference list at the back of an academic paper or book to see which resources that paper cited. 
    • TIP: In a database like Scopus, you can often search the article title and find the reference list hyperlinked, so that you can easily access these other articles. 
  • In Google Scholar, you can search for an article, then click the link to see Related Articles.

Citing Indigenous scholars

Citing someone's work is a way of acknowledging and reaffirming a person's knowledge and expertise. Historically, Indigenous scholars and Indigenous perspectives have been largely absent from academic research.

To learn more, watch Decolonizing Citations and/or Navigating Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property - The Adventures of the Yakuanoi

Consider if the topic you're researching could/should include Indigenous perspectives: 

  • Is this a topic that affects Indigenous peoples? 
  • Is your research providing a balanced look from multiple perspectives? 
  • Have you been able to find research by Indigenous scholars/from Indigenous perspectives on this topic? 

APA Guidance on Citing Indigenous-Related Content

"Capitalize most terms related to Indigenous Peoples. These include names of specific groups (e.g., Cherokee, Cree, Ojibwe) and words related to Indigenous culture (e.g., Creation, the Creator, Elder, Oral Tradition, Traditional Knowledge, Vision Quest). The capitalization is intentional and demonstrates respect for Indigenous perspectives" (APA, 2019). 

Citing Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers

If you would like to cite something from Indigenous oral tradition, rather than from a published book or article, here are some considerations: 

Templates for citing Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers