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Psychology: Get Started

About this Guide

This Guide describes uWaterloo Library's resources and services that are relevant for learning and research in Psychology.

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Library of Congress Call Numbers for Psychology

If you're not sure exactly what you're looking for, you may browse the shelves at the following call number locations:

BF 1-990: Psychology, including:

BF 309-499: Cognition
BF 501-505: Motivation
BF 511-593: Emotion
BF 692-692.5: Sexual behaviour
BF 698-698.9: Personality
BF 712-724.85: Developmental psychology

HM 1001-1281: Social psychology

HV 1-9960: Social pathology; Criminology, including:

HV 5001-5840: Drugs & alcohol
HV 6001-7220.5: Criminology
HV 7231-9960: Criminal justice administration

QP 351-495: Neuropsychology

RC 435-571: Psychiatry

RJ 499-507: Child psychiatry

Main Psychology Databases

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Subject Guide

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Tim Ireland
(519) 888-4567 X45061

Psychology Department

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