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Classical Studies: Books & Articles

This subject guide describes the University of Waterloo Library's resources and services that support research in Classical Studies.

Find Books

Find books in the Library using the Library's catalogue (Omni).

Omni also includes items held by various other Ontario universities, including the University of Guelph (UG) and Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU).

Items at the other universities can generally be requested for interlibrary loan (ILL). 

Search the Library Catalogue (Omni)

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Obtaining Books Found in the Library's Catalogue (Omni)

Once you have found the item in the Library's catalogue (Omni), you can request it. 

You will need to be signed into the Library's catalogue in order to place a request.

Expect delivery within three (3) business days. You will receive an e-mail when the item is available for you to pick up.

Obtaining Books Not Found in the Library's Catalogue (Omni)

If the material you need is not available in Omni, you can request it using the blank request form found at the top of the Omni results screen under Interlibrary Loan.

Suggest a purchase
Suggestions for new library acquisitions are welcomed using this form to recommend a purchase.

Find Articles

Find articles using the Library's Databases.

If the full text of the article is not in the Database itself, click on the Get It! Waterloo logo.

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