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Peace Research at the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: More Sources

Mennonite Archives of Ontario

Conrad Grebel University College
140 Westmount Rd N
Waterloo, ON  N2L 3G6

519-885-0220 x24238

Laureen Harder-Gissing MA MISt

9:00-4:00 Monday to Friday
Making an appointment is recommended

Archives is on the third floor of Conrad Grebel University College, within the Milton Good Library.

The Mennonite Archives of Ontario collects and preserves archival materials that reflect the Mennonite experience in Ontario and makes them available to anyone with a legitimate research interest.

Materials in many formats documenting predominantly local and provincial activities. Some materials also have national and international significance.

More information

Copyright Information

All information on this guide is ©2013 by the Mennonite Archives of Ontario, Conrad Grebel University College, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Permission is granted to include URL references to this information for noncommercial purposes, provided that proper attribution is given.

Photographs on this website cannot be reproduced without permission.

Citation example (Chicago style):

Harder-Gissing, Laureen. 'Introduction." Peace Research at the Mennonite Archives of Ontario, Mennonite Archives of Ontario. Accessed 17 Oct 2013.

Unpublished Papers

Unpublished papers on peace-related topics that are not part of any other fonds or collection are located here:

Student Papers

Academic Papers (unpublished)

Monographs and Periodicals

The Milton Good Library cultivates a research-level collection in Mennonite Studies. Published periodicals and monographs related to peace, some of them quite rare, are listed in the library catalogue. The Mennonite Archives of Ontario is located within the Library.

Published Primary Sources

Mennonite Statements on Peace and Social Concerns, 1900-1978
This compilation of Mennonite statements on peace and social concerns identifies the statements of U.S.-based Mennonite organizations. A copy is located in the Conrad Grebel library (HN37.M36M46 1980). It is a companion volume to the microfilm collection Peace and social concerns statements by the Mennonites and Brethren in Christ in Canada, 1787-1982 (G MIC A292), which has an accompanying index Where we stand : an index of peace and social concerns statements by the Mennonites and Brethren in Christ in Canada, 1787-1982 (Reference Z7845.M4F75 1986).

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