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Communication Arts: Speeches and monologues

Find speeches and monologues in the Library's collection

Use the Library's search to locate speeches and monologues.

To find speeches, try keywords such as speech(es), orations, and the name of the person giving the speech (e.g., Winston Churchill). You can also search by subject heading, using keywords speeches and addresses.

To find monologues in the Library, search by keywords such as monologue, soliloquy, and audition.

Databases and websites containing monologues

Databases and Internet Sources Containing Speeches

When looking for speeches within databases, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use the document type field to limit your results. This field is often below the search bar.
  • Search "speeches" or "addresses" in the subject heading field
  • If you are looking for a speech by a particular person use the people or person field if it is available on the drop down. 

ABI/Inform - Search Example

ABI/INFORM contains a collection "Vital Speeches of the Day."

To find speeches limit your search by document type: Speech/Lecture. See the screenshot below. 

In the Advanced Search tab of ABI/Inform, check the "Speech/Lecture" checkbox that follows the Document type heading to limit your search to speeches and lectures.

Audio and Video Speeches

These resources are available through the University of Waterloo's Media Resources catalogue (links provided below) or through the Internet.

Title: Canadian Great Speeches, Volumes 1 & 2
Producer: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Synopsis: This program captures key moments in our political history. Each speech is prefaced by informative contextual narratives. In Volume 1, Mackenzie King makes farewell address to the Liberal Party; Pierre Trudeau invokes the War Measures Act on national television; Tommy Douglas responds to Trudeau; Rene Levesque addresses the 1980 Quebec referendum defeat; Jean Chretien speaks prior to the 1995 Quebec referendum.

Title: The Speeches Collection
Synopsis: Before the advent of television, political careers were often built through the powers of oratory. And although television has provided a new tool for reaching the public, there is still nothing quite as stirring as a great speech. Included in this series are some of the best, delivered by the great names throughout world history. Included in this series are speeches by: Douglas McArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Winston S. Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Title: American Rhetoric: Online Speech Bank
Description: This website provides an index of speeches from everyone from Abbott & Costello to Woodrow Wilson. In most cases the speech is provided in video with a transcript. This resource has an American focus. 

Title: Famous Speeches & Audio
Curated by: A&E Entertainment,
Description: Contains the audio of a range of speeches, largely focused on American war contexts.