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Indigenous Content in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: Photographs

Winnipeg, 1969

Mohawk activist Kahn-Tineta Horn in discussion at Canadian Mennonite Bible College in Winnipeg, March 1969


  • Mennonite Archival Information Database (MAID)
    This database holds the catalogued photograph collections of numerous Mennonite archives, including the Mennonite Archives of Ontario. Most Indigenous-related photographs held by the Archives are from the files of The Canadian Mennonite, a national, inter-denominational Mennonite newspaper (1953-1971). A significant portion of these are images of Indigenous people in Canada or Paraguay.

    Photographs are often described using the broad subject heading “Indigenous”  unless more specific community and personal names are known. The Archives regrets that in many cases very little information about Indigenous people in these photographs was initially recorded. If you have further information about any of these photographs or questions about our use of them, please contact the Archivist. For information on descriptive practices, see “About Language for Indigenous Peoples in MAID.”

  • MennoVan Canada: Slides from the cross-Canada Mennonite Bicentennial “MennoVan” Tour (1985-1986) including Indigenous-related stops in British Columbia. These slides have not yet been digitized.