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MLA International Bibliograp​hy
The MLAIB offers detailed subject indexing for thousands of publications related to literature, languages, linguistics, folklore, film, and the teaching of these disciplines. Indexes journals, books, theses, conference proceedings, etc. The 1884-1925 coverage is limited to journal articles.
American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (ABSEES)
A comprehensive index of English language and selected foreign language materials published in the U.S and Canada on a variety of topics. Coverage includes Russian language and literature.
European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES)
Coverage of English and foreign language materials published in Europe on a variety of topics. Includes Russian language and literature.
Contains the back issues of several hundred scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and other disciplines. Indexes 19 journals od interest to Slavic Studies. Subjects include language, literature, linguistics, and culture.
A comprehensive resource for research on literary topics, authors, and their works, predominantly in English language. Its coverage includes all genres and disciplines, all time periods, and all regions of the world. LRC includes full-text scholarly articles from academic journals and literary magazines, excerpts from scholarly monographs, literary correspondence and diaries, reviews of books, substantive biographical essays on more than 130,000 authors, providing insights into life and times, works, and critical reception, full text of thousands of poems and short stories, overview essays on thousands of books and literary topics, and links to editorially selected websites on authors and their works, as well as pictures of well-known authors and audio interviews and reviews. New and updated material is added daily.
CEEOL: Central and Eastern European Online Library
An online archive providing access to full text articles from humanities and social science scholarly journals on Central, Eastern and South Eastern European topics.