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Researching Mennonite Genealogy: Immigration, Land, Census Records

On the Internet

In the Mennonite Archives of Ontario

  • Microfilm copies of census records (1842, 1851, 1861, 1871) for areas in Ontario with significant Mennonite populations.
  • Microfilm copies of land transactions (surveyor's records and Upper Canada land petitions) from the Archives of Ontario and Library Archives Canada.
  • Microfilm and digitized copies of the Einwandererzentralstelle (Immigration Center) files of the German government, containing information on approximately 2.9 million ethnic Germans who were processed by the center for immigration and naturalization during the war. These files include data on Mennonites who made their way to Germany in the Fall of 1943, as well as information on their immediate ancestors. Note: These files are only accessible in-person at the Archives.
  • Canadian Mennonite Board of Colonization Ontario Sub-Committee Lists. Lists of Russian Mennonite immigrants arriving in Ontario in 1924, and their Swiss Mennonite hosts and billets, in pdf format.

In the Milton Good Library

Published censuses of various areas with Mennonite populations as well as books on the history of Mennonite land settlement and migration are located in the Milton Good Library. Search the catalogue for subjects such as: census, migration, emigration, immigration, settlement and land.

Selected Books About Land Development in Waterloo Region
Bloomfield, Elizabeth. Waterloo Township through Two Centuries. Kitchener, Ont: Waterloo Historical Society, 1995.
Bloomfield, Elizabeth, Linda Foster, and L. W.  Laliberté. The Waterloo Township Cadastre in 1861: “A System of the Most Regular Irregularity. Guelph, Ontario: Dept. of Geography, University of Guelph, 1994.
Roth, Lorraine. The Amish and Their Neighbours : The German Block, Wilmot Township, 1822-1860. Waterloo, Ont: Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, 1998.

Waterloo Historical Society Annual Volume . This volume contains a wealth of information about local history in Waterloo Region. An index search is provided on their website.