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Die Mennonitische Rundschau served Russian Mennonite communities in the United States and Canada.
- Milton Good Library holdings are not complete. Some issues are available on microfilm (call number: G MIC A283); some are available in print form (call number: BX 8101 .M483). Digitized copies (1880-1993) are also available online.
- An index to the Rundschau is available online and in the Library
(call number: Reference BX 8101.M483 Index)
The Canadian Mennonite (1953-1971)
The first national Canadian Mennonite newspaper in English.
- The Canadian Mennonite index (pdf) This is an index of the entire publication including the obituaries and death notices.
- The Canadian Mennonite obituaries and death notices index : obituaries and death notices, 1953-1971 : death notices, 1997-2002 / indexed by Dolores Harder
- Print copies are available at the Milton Good Library (call number: Rare Periodical BX 8101.C25)
Mennonite Reporter (1971-1997)
The Reporter succeeded The Canadian Mennonite as a national Canadian Mennonite newspaper.
- Print copies are available at the Milton Good Library (call number: BX 8101.C27)
- Annual indexes are located at the back of each print volume. Mennonite Reporter is indexed in the Canadian Business & Current Affairs database (1990-1997 only).
Canadian Mennonite (1997-present)
This magazine succeeded Mennonite Reporter as a national Canadian Mennonite newspaper, primarily serving the Mennonite Church Canada constituency.
- The Canadian Mennonite obituaries and death notices index: obituaries and death notices, 1953-1971 : death notices, 1997-2002 / indexed by Dolores Harder
- Canadian Mennonite is indexed and full text provided in the Canadian Business & Current Affairs database (1997-present). This database can be accessed at the Milton Good Library.
- Print copies of Canadian Mennonite are located in the Milton Good Library (call number: BX 8107.C28)
- A digital version of Canadian Mennonite (2004-present) is available through its website
Herald of Truth, Gospel Witness, Gospel Herald, The Mennonite, Mennonite Weekly Review
These Mennonite newspapers, published in the United States, include Canadian content.
- Mennobits / compiled by Mennonite Church USA Historical Committee
A research site for those interested in Amish and Mennonite families. This site contains obituaries from the Herald of Truth (1864-1908), the Gospel Witness (1905-1908), and the Gospel Herald (1908-1998), the weekly newspapers of the Mennonite Church (MC) in North America. In addition, obituaries from The Mennonite (1998-) have been added, as well as a few from the Mennonite Weekly Review. - Gospel Herald and The Mennonite are available in digital form through the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary Library.
- Mennonite Weekly Review obituaries, 1923-2012
- Most of these newspapers are available in microfilm or print form at the Milton Good Library. Check the University of Waterloo library catalogue for details.
Der Bote (1924-2008)
A German language Mennonite newspaper, primarily for Russian Mennonite readers.
- Published under the titles Mennonitische Immigranten-Bote (1924), Der Bote (1925-1947), Der Bote und Chritlicher Bundesbote (1947-1955), and Der Bote (1956-2008)
- An index of the entire publication (1924-2008) is available in print form at the Milton Good Library (call number: BX 8101.B6 index). Death notices and obituaries are indexed in the Der Bote Obituaries/Death Notices Index.
- Issues are available at the Milton Good Library in microfilm and/or print form (call numbers: BX 8101.B6; G MIC A273)
- Christlicher Bundesbote was published separately from 1882-1947 (call number: G MIC A325)
Mennonite Brethren Herald (1962-present)
A national newspaper serving the Mennonite Brethren constituency in Canada.
- Print copies of Mennonite Brethren Herald are available at the Milton Good Library (call number: BX 8101.M392)
- An electronic version (1962-1915) is available for use in the Library. This version is keyword searchable.
- An online version of the Herald (2003- ) is available on their website
Gospel Banner (1878-1969)
The newspaper of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ/United Missionary Church.
- Most copies available on microfilm at the Milton Good Libary (call number: G MIC A343); some print copies available (call number: BX 9889.A1 G6)
- An index is available for Library use on CD-ROM (call number: BX9889.A1 G6 Index)
The Budget (1890- ), Die Botschaft (1975- ), The Diary (1969- )
These are Amish newspapers.
- Copies are available at the Milton Good Library
- The Ohio Amish Library has scanned these newspapers and made them fully searchable. Contact them for a research quote.