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Anthropology: Cite Your Work/Zotero

Anthropology Subject Page


The icon for Zotero, which is the word spelled out.  The Z is in red and the rest of the letters are in black.The University of Waterloo Library is currently suggesting Zotero software for citation management.

Our Zotero guide is located at the following URL:  When signing up for a free Zotero account is it suggested that you use your UWaterloo e-mail account.  That will automatically give you access to the Institutional Storage provided by a University of Waterloo Library subscription.  If youwould like assistance with Zotero, you can contact the Zotero Librarians at

Style Guides AAA

A style guide describes a specific format for citing material, to which you referred in your work.

As of September 2015, the American Anthropological Association style for all publications is the Chicago Manual of Style

Society for American Archaeology (SAA) citation style

American Archaeology (SAA): Short Version

American Archaeology (SAA):Full Version

Style Guides APA

Image showing the book cover for the APA 7 citation style


APA Style (American Psychological Association) is a commonly used style in the social sciences.  Borrow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association or use one of the online help guides below.

Quick Guide to APA (From the American Psychological Society)

The University of Waterloo has paper copies of this guide.  We are not currently able to acquire an electronic copy.


refworks logoRefWorks will allow you to create your own personal citation database easily and quickly by importing references from text files or online databases. You can then can use these references in writing your papers and automatically format your bibliography.

See below for instructions to import references from major Anthropology databases into RefWorks.


  1. Conduct your search and mark the records you want to import.
  2. Click on Send to Citation Mgr.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, choose RefWorks as the Format. (Note: Your browser will have to allow popup windows from
  4. Click Download article citation data.
  5. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.
  6. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

Anthropology Plus

  1. From your search results mark the references you want to import and click Export.
  2. To do a direct export, select RefWorks in the Export to: section.
  3. The export will open RefWorks if it is not already open and automatically import the references.
  4. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

To Manually Save and Export Records:

  1. To save to a text file, select Text File in the Export to: section.
  2. Using your browser's Save As function, navigate to the local drive and directory where you want to save the file.
  3. The URL displays as the default name.  You might want to assign a name that helps you locate the file later on.
  4. Select Text as the file type.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Log in to RefWorks.
  7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.
  8. Select OCLC FirstSearch as the data source and select the appropriate database.
  9. Browse to find the text file you saved to your computer.
  10. Click Import


  1. Conduct search and select the references you want to export.
  2. Click on Saved Records. A new window will open with the records you have selected.
  3. From the Format drop-down, choose ISI.
  4. From the Disposition drop-down, choose Export.
  5. Click on Submit.
  6. Browse to the location where you want to save the file. The file extension will be enw.
  7. Log in to RefWorks.
  8. Select References/Import from the toolbar.
  9. Select Refer Format as the data source and EndNote as the database.
  10. Browse to find the .enw file you saved to your computer.
  11. Click Import.
  12. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.


  1. Conduct your search and mark the records you want to export.
  2. Click on the Output button.
  3. Select Export as the desired output type.
  4. Select RefWorks direct export as the export format.
  5. Select the format you prefer.  For the complete record, select Complete Format under citation format.
  6. Click the Export button.
  7. You will now be prompted to log in to your RefWorks account if you have not already done so.
  8. Your records should appear in the Last Imported Folder.

 Note:  You can bypass logging in by entering your RefWorks login information in your Scopus My Profile area and selecting RefWorks Settings.  Entering your information in this area will also allow Scopus to display a RefWorks icon next to records in Scopus that you already have in your RefWorks database, helping prevent the importing of duplicate records.  If you have imported the Complete Format it will also update the number of times cited within your RefWorks database.  

Web of Science

  1. Conduct your search and mark the records you want to export to by clicking in the checkbox to the left of the citation and selecting Add to Marked List.
  2. Click on the Marked List link when you are ready to export.
  3. On the Marked Records page in the Step 1 area, select the fields you want to include in the export.
  4. In the Step 2 area, leave the Field Tagged option for Save to File and select the Other Reference Software and click the Save to File button.
  5. You will be prompted to save a text file to your computer.  Click Save and choose an appropriate drive and file name. Click Save, then Close.
  6. Log in to RefWorks.
  7. Select References/Import from the toolbar.
  8. Select ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) as the data source and Web of Science as the database.
  9. Browse to find the file you saved to your computer.
  10. You can select a folder into which you would like to import your references. If you do not select a folder, your references should appear in the Last Imported Folder.
  11. Click Import.

    Note:  If the records you wish to export from WOS are on a single search results page, you can bypass instructions 2 through 5 above.  Simply mark your records, select the fields to include in the export, select Save to other Reference Software in the drop-down and click the Save button in the Step 3 area at the bottom of the page.  Import the file following the instructions starting at #6 below.