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Journals on Digital Humanities

How Can I Tell If an Article is Peer-Reviewed?

Peer-reviewed articles may also be called “scholarly articles,” “academic articles,” or “referreed articles.” They are articles that have been reviewed by peers or experts in the author’s field of research/study.

To learn if an article is peer-reviewed...

  • Search for the journal the article appears in within Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory
  • If the journal is listed as “referreed” in Ulrich’s (it would have this referree image: ), it is a peer-reviewed journal

Besides checking Ulrich's, here are some clues that an article is peer-reviewed:

  • It's long. Generally peer-reviewed articles are at least 10 pages long
  • It references other research articles and contains extensive footnotes/endnotes
  • It doesn't have glossy pictures or advertisements
  • It contains additional author information, such as the author's contact information and scholarly credentials
  • It is published by an academic publisher or academic/professional association