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Zotero at University of Waterloo: Customizing to UW

This guide will help you use the free online citation and research management tool Zotero to organize citations from Library catalogs and databases.

More help

You can also email questions to our Zotero Librarians.

Formatting footnotes and endnotes

In the word processing program Zotero does create the footnote (or endnote), but it does so by passing a "create footnote" command on to your word processor. Any issues relating to the format of the footnote or what numbering style to use needs to be set in your word processor. 

More Add-ons (plugins)

Zotero Bookmarklet for mobile devices

If you are using a mobile device or a browser not supported by the Zotero software, you can use the Zotero Bookmarklet to save items to your Zotero library on the Zotero servers. Once you have registered for a free Zotero account, install the Bookmarklet. 

When you open up the Zotero application on your computer and sync your library with Zotero's servers, the items will be added to "My Library." You can then add them to your collections.

Use Library Lookup to find full text

In the Preferences window, under the "Advanced" tab, click on the drop-down menu under OpenURL, choose North America, and find the University of Waterloo in the list. This will add the URL of the resolver that will help you find full text when you use the Library Lookup feature.

screenshot of zotero preferences menu, advanced, general option

screenshot of zotero preferences menu, advanced, general option for University of Waterloo Resolver

the Resolver text you need is

Zotero connector extension - "proxy issue"

There is an known issue for Former UW Researchers/Students who have installed Zotero and are now doing research at other institutions related to the Zotero connector extension's proxy settings. If you are being being redirected to the UW proxy and receiving an “insufficient funds” message and you have the Zotero Connector installed, please try these steps:

  1. In your web browser, open the "Manage Extensions' screen in Chrome and Firefox, it should look like a puzzle piece on the right-hand side of the menu bar at the top of the browser screen. (Apparently this issue doesn’t occur when using Safari.)
  2. From the 'Manage Extensions' screen, click 'Details' for the Zotero Connector. Near the bottom of the resulting list of options go to 'Extension Options'.
  3. Choose the 'Proxies' option (as indicated by the red arrow in the screenshot). You probably have the 'Enable proxy redirection option' turned on, and the UWaterloo proxy server configured in the list of configured proxies). Either turn off the first checkbox, or remove UWaterloo from the configured proxies should solve your problem.

Language Support

Switching languages

Zotero's interface language defaults to matching the operating system's language. You can change the language to one of the options provided in the drop-down menu under Edit > Preferences > Advanced > General

To keep Zotero's user interface in one language, but to use another language for the citations and bibliographies created by Zotero, select the citation language you would like to use from either:

  • The "Create Bibliography from Selected Item(s)" dialog
  • The word processor integration plugin's document preferences window
  • The Quick Copy section in the Export pane of the Zotero preferences