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Waterloo LibGuides for guide authors: Copyright

Creative Commons

Creative Commons licenses communicate permissions regarding works in a standardized way. They inform users of whether works can be distributed or adapted. They also indicate when attributions need to be made. 

Public domain

When works are in the public domain, their creators have given up their copyright or their copyright has expired. You can then freely adapt and reuse these works in your LibGuide.

Copyright Regulations

When creating your LibGuide, uWaterloo recommends using openly licensed or Waterloo owned materials. The text, image, audio, or video can be copyright protected. LibGuides are often available to anyone on the Internet, so fair dealing may tend towards unfairness.

As you create your LibGuide, you may find yourself wondering about whether you need copyright permission, attributions, or different content. For information that can inform these decisions about copyright and copyright-free materials, see the following links: