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PD11 Research Guide: How to incorporate and cite good research

Resources from the Writing and Communication Centre

Citation style guides

A citation style guide describes a specific way of citing materials (books, articles, websites, etc.), in your paper. There are many different style guides to choose from. Check with your instructor to see which guide you need to follow.

Search the Library's catalogue to find authoritative manuals on how to cite properly.

Citing information

Why do we cite information?

  • To give credit
  • So readers can verify the source
  • So readers can look up the source to learn more
  • To document the progression of ideas
  • To add credibility to your work

When do we cite information?

  • When the idea is not yours
  • When the idea is not common knowledge

How do we cite information?

  • Quoting: If you use an author's exact words, you must add quotation marks around those words in your paper. This must be followed by an in text citation
  • Paraphrasing: If you use an author's idea but explain it in your own way using your own words, you must follow this by an in text citation
  • Every work you cite must also be listed in a reference list at the end of your paper

These resources are provided by the Writing and Communication Centre.