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Research guide template v2: Find books

Adding Books

If you add content type "Book from the catalog" to a box, you can add books in several ways:

Reuse book from other LibGuides

  1. Select "reuse existing book."
  2. Search for the book you want to add. 
  3. Select the appropriate entry. 
  4. Select the box next to "Copy."
  5. Save.
  6. Edit to add any missing information or links.

Search by ISBN

  1. Determine the ISBN number of the book. This can often be done through a quick search.
  2. Type the ISBN into the appropriate field.
  3. Select "Get book info."
  4. Check that the information that was added automatically is accurate and add links to Omni.

Create a new book

  1. Fill out all fields manually.
  2. Save.

Books in a box can be sorted by title, author, or call number.

Recommended Reading List

Here is an example of a list of books created using the "Book from catalog" content type.