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Pharmacy : Pharmacy Library (Lower Level, Room 0013)

This Pharmacy Research Guide brings together information resources relevant to Pharmacy and Pharmacology.

Hours and Services

The Pharmacy Library (PHR 0013) provides:

  • 24/7 FOB access, for everyone currently affiliated with the School of Pharmacy
  • A self-checkout machine for books, and printer (which also acts as a scanner and photocopier)
  • 2 computer workstations

The Library is located on the lower level of the School of Pharmacy in room 0013

For support with circulation related questions, such as holds, pickups, signing out items, printing, scanning, etc., contact:

The pharmacy librarian, Caitlin Carter, is the contact for all research-related questions, such as literature searches, instruction, database access issues, mobile apps, etc.

Common Questions

Computers, Printing, Photocopying


Submitting a print job using UPrint

  1. Login to
  2. Sign in using your WatIAM userID and password.
  3. Go to Web Print and click Submit a Job
  4. Select one of the following virtual printers:
    • rs-public-BW-vx (Double Sided Black & White)
    • rs-public-BW-vx-s-s (Single Sided Black & White)
    • rs-public-Colour-vx – (Double Sided Colour)
    • rs-public-Colour-vx-s-s (Single Sided Colour)
  5. Select Print Options
  6. Enter Number of Copies
  7. Select Upload Documents
  8. Drag or Upload Files from your computer
  9. Select Upload and Complete


When Status changes to ‘Held in a Queue’ you can release the job one of two ways.

  1. Select Jobs Pending Release and choose a printer from the list.
  2. Release your print job at any of the rs-public printers on campus.



Single-sided copies:

  1. Swipe your WatCard.
  2. Lift the photocopier lid and align your document in the top left corner of the scanning area.
  3. Close the lid and press 'start'.

Double-sided copies (8x11 only):

  1. Swipe your WatCard.
  2. Align document so that it fits perfectly in the paper feeder. You may have to adjust this!
  3. Press 'start'.

Requesting Books Within The Library Catalogue (Omni)

Is there a print book you'd like to borrow, but it's at another Library (for example, the Davis Centre Library on main campus)?  These are the steps to follow in order to request that a book be mailed to you:

Step 1:  Search for the book in the Library Catalogue (also known as Omni)

Step 2:  Click on the book and under "Get It,"  choose "Sign in."  Sign in with your WatIAM.

Step 3:  Once you are signed in, scroll down again to "Get It" and click on "Get it from a Waterloo Library."

Step 4:  A form will appear, and under "Pickup Location,"  choose "Books by Mail."  Pharmacy is not listed as a pickup location as access to building and Pharmacy Library is more restricted than the main campus Libraries.

Step 5:  Wait for an email from the Library, where you will be asked to input the address you want the book to be mailed to.  You can choose any address (your office; home address, etc.).  There is no charge for this service as the Library absorbs the cost.

If the print book is in the Pharmacy Library (PHR 0013), you can access the Library with your fob and sign out the book using the self-checkout machine located near the front of the Library.  If you would prefer to have the Admin Assistant sign out the book for you, please email with the details about the book (e.g. Title, Author(s), Publication Year, Edition). 

"Controlled Access" Books

Due to their popularity, some pharmacy textbooks are placed in "controlled access" in the Pharmacy Library, PHR 0013. 

In order to sign-out a book from controlled access, please contact

Controlled access items have limited borrowing periods. Most items can only be signed out for 1 day (24 hours), so that they are available for other students to use. 

Here is an example of a controlled access book:

Are You Alumni?

You can use the Pharmacy Library!

  • Simply contact the Pharmacy Library to arrange your visits to the Pharmacy Library during business hours, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. 
  • Visit this link for information on acquiring an alumni Library card (WatCard) and to find out which electronic resources permit alumni access.

Are You a McMaster Health Student?

If you are, you can borrow books from any TUG Library (University of Waterloo, University of Guelph, or Wilfrid Laurier University).

  • Set up your Library account by stopping by any uWaterloo Library and fill out a borrowing application form
  • Be sure to bring your Guest WatCard!
  • Borrow books for 2 weeks, at a maximum of 20 books