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Pharmacy : Reference (Citation) Management Programs - Zotero, RefWorks, Mendeley

This Pharmacy Research Guide brings together information resources relevant to Pharmacy and Pharmacology.

Reference Management Programs

  • Zotero
    • Download for free; desktop and web-based
    • Unlimited storage space provided via the Library's subscription - sign-up with your UWaterloo email address
    • Use this tool to store your references
    • Automatically generates your in-text citations and reference list
    • Includes a browser plug-in which will pull citation information and take snapshots of websites; saves them to your Zotero folder(s).
    • Can annotate PDFs in your Zotero folders
  • RefWorks (NOTE: our Library's subscription to RefWorks is ending December 2024)
    • Free, web-based program via the Library; sign-up with your UWaterloo email address.
    • Use this tool to store your references
    • Automatically generates your in-text citations and reference list
    • Instructions on how to export search results from PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Scopus, etc. into RefWorks can be found further down this page.
  • Mendeley
    • Use this tool to store your references
    • Automatically generates your in-text citations and reference list
    • Guide created by York University Libraries


RefWorks helps you keep track of references that you find in PubMed, IPA, Embase, and other databases.

Creating a Bibliography

Use RefWorks to get started on your bibliography (reference list). ALWAYS review your bibliography to ensure that it meets the full requirements of your desired citation style, such as AMA!

  1. Click on Create Bibliography Click on Create Bibliography, which is the fourth button from the left in the toolbar.
  2. Click on Citation Style Editor, if you need to choose a citation style first (e.g. AMA)
  3. Click on Create Bibliography again
  4. Your references will be formatted in the style you choose
  5. Click on Copy to Clipboard in order to copy and paste the bibliography into a Word document
  6. Review bibliography to ensure it meets full citation style requirements (e.g. journal name abbreviations for AMA)
  7. Note:  Another way to generate a bibliography is through a RefWorks tool called RefWorks Citation Manager. You can download this tool for MS Word via the Tools button in RefWorks.  This tool will let you create your in-text citations and bibliography all within MS Word. Click on the Tools button, which is the seventh button from the left in the toolbar.

Exporting from RefWorks into Excel

  1.          Navigate to the folder you wish to export results from
  2.          Click on “Share”
  3.          Click on “Export References”
  4.          Select “all references” in the specific folder
  5.          Chose “Tab Delimited”
  6.          Then click on “Export”
  7.          Open the text file and save it to your desktop
  8.          Open Excel
  9.          Click on the “data” tab and then click on “from text”
  10.          Select the file you saved to your desktop
  11.          The text import wizard will appear
  12.          Click on “next,” “next” again and then “finish.”
  13.          The import data box may appear; if so, click on “ok.”

Using RefWorks with PubMed (MEDLINE)

  1. Do a search in PubMed
  2. Select Send To, then Citation Manager, make a Selection (most choose "all results"), then Create File.  This will generate an NBIB file.
  3. Save this text file to your computer

Then, use RefWorks to import the text file data from PubMed:

  1. Login to your RefWorks account
  2. Click Add and then Import References
  3. Click on Select a file from your computer
  4. Select the NBIB file you previously saved to your computer
  5. Click on Search for the format and choose NLM PubMed before clicking on Import
  6. Your references will appear in the Last Imported Folder, where you can then move them to a designated folder, by selecting the references and then clicking on Assign to Folder.

Using RefWorks with IPA, Embase (via Ovid)

  1. Do a search in IPA
  2. Select ‘ALL’ at the top of the results (Note: you can only export up to 2,000 results from Ovid at a time.  If you have more than 2,000 results to export, than you must do the export in batches).
  3. Select Export
  4. From the Format drop down menu, select RefWorks
  5. Under the Fields drop down menu, select Citation, Abstract
  6. Click Export
  7. You’ll be prompted to choose which version of RefWorks to export to – choose Proquest RefWorks (the new RefWorks)
  8. You will be asked to login to RefWorks and then the export will begin; if you are already logged into RefWorks, the export will start automatically
  9. Your references will appear in the Last Imported Folder

Using RefWorks with The Cochrane Library

  1. Do a search in The Cochrane Library
  2. Click Select All
  3. Click Export Selected Citation(s)
  4. Choose your preferred format (e.g. RefWorks)
  5. Click Include Abstract
  6. Click Download
  7. Save the file to your desktop

Then, use Refworks to import the file data from The Cochrane Library that you just saved to your desktop:

  1. Log in to RefWorks
  2. Click Add and then Import References
  3. Click on Select a file from your computer
  4. Choose the file that you saved to your desktop
  5. Under What is the format of your file, search for and select Wiley
  6. Click the Import button
  7. Your references will appear in the Last Imported Folder

Using RefWorks with Scopus

  1. Do a search in Scopus
  2. Select ‘ALL’ at the top of your results (Note: you can only export up to 2,000 results at a time from Scopus, so you will have to do your export in batches if you have more than 2,000 results).
  3. Click Export
  4. Under Select Your Method of Export, choose RefWorks
  5. Under What Information Do You Want to Export? Click on Citation Information and Abstract & Keywords
  6. Click Export
  7. You’ll be prompted to choose which version of RefWorks to export to – choose Proquest RefWorks (the newest version of RefWorks)
  8. You will be asked to login to RefWorks and then the export will begin; if you are already logged into RefWorks, the export will start automatically
  9. Your references will appear in the Last Imported Folder

Using RefWorks with CINAHL

  1. Do a search in CINAHL.  You will first save your results to a folder in CINAHL and then export from that folder into RefWorks.
  2. At the top of your search results (just under Search History), click on Share.
  3. Under Add to Folder, click on Results 1-50 (Note: you can only add 50 results to a folder at a time).
  4. When you are finished adding all of your results to a folder, click on the Folder icon in the blue toolbar at the very top of the page. This will take you to the folder.
  5. Click Select All
  6. Click Export (far right of the screen)
  7. Under Save Citations to a File Formatted for, choose Direct Export to RefWorks
  8. Click Save
  9. You’ll be prompted to choose which version of RefWorks to export to – choose Proquest RefWorks (the newest version of RefWorks)
  10. You will be asked to login to RefWorks and then the export will begin; if you are already logged into RefWorks, the export will start automatically
  11. Your references will appear in the Last Imported Folder

Using RefWorks with Google Scholar

  1. Access Google Scholar via the library website (if off-campus, you will be prompted to authenticate with your WatIAM)
  2. In the top left corner, click on the icon which looks like 3 lines, found next to My Profile3 lines logo which is found in the top left corner of the Google Scholar homepage
  3. Click on Settings
  4. Look for Bibliography Manager
  5. Click on Show links to import citations into and change the selection from BibTeX to RefWorks
  6. Click Save
  7. Do a search in Google Scholar
  8. Find a reference you want to bring into RefWorks
  9. Click Import into RefWorks

       Under the search result, click on the Import into RefWorks button in order to add the reference to your RefWorks account.

  1. You'll be prompted to choose which version of RefWorks to export to - choose Proquest RefWorks(the new RefWorks)
  2. You will be asked to login to RefWorks and then the export will begin; if you are already logged into RefWorks, the export will start automatically
  3. Your references will appear in the Last Imported Folder