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Pharmacy : Types of Review Articles (Literature, Scoping and Systematic)

This Pharmacy Research Guide brings together information resources relevant to Pharmacy and Pharmacology.

Their Uniqueness, Characteristics and Differences

The above slides explore:

  • The purpose of each type of review article
  • Their methodology
  • Practical examples for each article type

Systematic Review Management Software

What is the Project's Goal?

Always ask yourself:

  • Do I want to systematically/comprehensively search the literature?
  • Or, do I want to conduct a systematic review?

Conducting a comprehensive search of the literature involves very different methods than a systematic review. If you are unsure as to which project best meets your needs, consult the Pharmacy Liaison Librarian, Caitlin Carter at

Avoid duplication: register your scoping or systematic review protocol (plan)

Systematic Reviews

These resources offer practical insight into systematic reviews:

Library Support for Systematic Reviews