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When doing industry research, you're looking for information about companies that work in the same field, or that do the same type of work, eg. Grocery Stores in Canada. Here are some things you might be looking for:
If industry research is new to you, take a look at the resources below to learn more about how to do this type of research.
IBISWorld contains industry reports for Canada and the United States. You can search by keyword, such as "hospital", "university", or "pizza", or by NAICS code.
Global Data Explorer includes industry profiles for many countries internationally. Search for a keyword, such as "hotel" or "realtor", and use the top menu to navigate to "Sectors".
Articles on business and management from U.S. and international journals and trade magazines, including company histories, competitive intelligence, and product development.
Coverage: 1971 - present
Search for your industry by keyword in the search fields. Scroll down to select Document Type and choose Industry Report, Market Report, and/or Market Research. ABI Inform uses Boolean Operators and keywords for effective searching: see the Library's tutorial on Advanced Database Searching to learn more about these techniques.
Databases like IBISWorld and Canadian Industry Statistics allow you to search by keyword or NAICS code. If you can't find reports on your industry, it helps to know how industries are organized by code in order to find the closest related industry.
Most industries have trade associations, who collect and publish information about that industry. Try searching online for your industry or topic and "association", ex. "sporting goods association Canada".