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Stratford Campus : Academic Research

Academic Research

Academic sources might include journal articles, conference proceedings, and books. You may be asked to find peer-reviewed articles or need to locate news articles. The Library has access to many databases for this type of research - including many specialized databases for specific research topics - but the databases I recommend most are listed here. 

If you're not sure if academic research is necessary for the topic you're looking into, this course on Everyday vs. Academic Research might help you decide. 

How to Search in Academic Databases

Searching in academic databases can be less intuitive than other places that we search. Often these tools require more human input to return good results: you may have to break down your ideas into key words and phrases and use different techniques to connect them so that the database understands what you're asking for. Take a look at the resource below for tips on how to search effectively - and ask your librarian if you need help with your specific research question!  

Databases for Academic Content