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Stratford Campus : Market Research


What is Market Research?

When doing market research, you're looking for information about your target market, or your target customers. Here are some questions you might want to think about: 

  1. What are the characteristics of your target demographic (eg. age, geography, education level, occupation)?
  2. How many potential customers do you have? 
  3. How do your customers like to be communicated with?

Key Resources

If market research is new to you, take a look at the resources below to learn more about how to do this type of research. 

Library Resources


How to use Statista for market research? 

Use Statista to search for companies by name, or topics, such as "coffee", "artificial intelligence", or "covid-19". Use the Statista Consumer Insights (video tutorial below) to find information on consumer preferences and trends. 

Openly Available Resources

Statistics Canada Resources 

How to use the Census Program Data Viewer for market research? 


How to use ODESI for market research? 

Use ODESI to search for datasets from Statistics Canada survey data, Public Opinion Polls, and more. It is recommended that you read the guide to Finding and Exploring Data (below) to get started. 

World Bank Resources 

U.S. Census Bureau 

UN Social Indicators 

OECD Data Explorer 
