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Occassionally you may need to manually enter a reference. To do this:
1. Select the "New Reference" button, or, "Reference" and "Add New" from the top menu.
2. An "Add New Reference" window will pop up. You can select a citation style, which will refresh the window, presenting only the fields required for the selected style, or leave it as "None Selected." Once you have selected a style, an "About This Style" link will appear, which gives you notes and specifications on the style. It will not close the window.
3. Select the type of resource you are adding. Be as specific as possible. If the reference type is not available, choose the one that is the closest match.
4. Populate as many fields as you can. RefWorks will automatically offer suggestions in some fields, such as authors you have previously cited or journal names. If there are other fields you would like to add, or need to add because the reference type is not exact, you can select those at the bottom. When you are done, click "Save Reference." You can edit your reference at any time. If you would like to immediately enter another reference manually, choose "Save & Add New" instead.