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Located on the third floor of the Academic Building, the library is accessible by stairs or elevator.
Directions to Conrad Grebel University College
Hello researchers,
I am on a research leave (sabbatical) until August 24. You are still welcome to "email me," but I cannot promise a quick response.
For general research help, email libcgc@uwaterloo.ca, phone 519-885-0220 x34400 or visit our library desk in person. Help is available at the Milton Good Library desk from 9-4, Monday to Friday.
General research help is also available through the University of Waterloo Library.
If you would like to meet to discuss a research project and your need is not urgent, please "email me" and we can set up a time.
Best wishes,
PACS is a discipline which interacts with many others. Here is a list of research guides in many disciplines by University of Waterloo librarians.