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Political Science Research Guide: Focus on Indigenous research in political science


Canadian treaties, land rights, and claims

Dish With One Spoon, with Richard Hill. Via the series: Voices from Here

Indigenous - Canada relations

Key legislation on Indigenous law

Indian Act R.S.C., 1985, c.15

Constitution Act, 1982 (UK), Part II, s.35

George R, Proclamation, 7 October 1763 (3 Geo III)

Indigenous Institutes Act, 2017, S.O. 2017, c. 34, Schedule 20

Sources for legislation

Justice Canada website - federal legislation free to access

e-laws Ontario - provincial Ontario laws free to access 

Canlii (Canadian legal Information Institute) - legislation and caselaw free to access

Teaching Indigenous content to political science students

"The goal of this pedagogical resource is to encourage instructors to center Indigenous scholarship and perspectives and use Indigenous content materials to teach in a way that:

  1. engages Indigenous political traditions from an internal perspective (Ladner 2017)
  2. effectively communicates the significance and complexity of the issues (Gaudry 2017)
  3. is anti-racist and anti-oppressive (Battiste 2013)
  4. is critical, reflexive and constructive (Napoleon & Friedland 2015)
  5. is attentive to gender and other forms of oppression (Altamirano-Jimenez 2011, 2016; Kuokkanen 2015)
  6. engages Indigenous communities without being overly reliant on Indigenous people to do work that non-Indigenous people can and should be doing (Gaudry 2017; Wildcat et al. 2017)."

Canadian Political Science Association Reconciliation Committee

Indigenous studies databases

Other library guides of interest

Your feedback

This page is a work in progress. If you have comments or can recommend additional/alternative sources, please email Mike Chee, Librarian for Political Science.