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French Studies: Articles


Research databases

  • MLA International Bibliography

    • A comprehensive index of broad-based humanities literature. Strongest in criticism of English and non-English literatures, it also covers the dramatic arts (theater, film, television), popular culture, folklore, rhetoric, composition studies, linguistics, and pedagogy. Includes journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations, editions, and websites, and - in recent years - abstracts. The 1884-1925 coverage is limited to journal articles.

  • Klapp-online

    • Klapp-online is the annotated online version of the "Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft = Bibliographie d'histoire littéraire française". It is the most comprehensive database of publications on French and francophone literature since 1956, from medieval to contemporary. Content coverage: bibliographic entries of articles and monographs. This resource is a valuable complement to the MLA International Bibliography, especially for European publications. Updated annually.

  • Repère

    • Index to information published since 1980 in French language periodicals published in Quebec, elsewhere in Canada, in France, in Belgium, and in Switzerland. These periodicals are of general and specialized nature and cover all fields of knowledge including French language and literature. Provides access to some full text articles. Continues Point de Repére (Library has: 1984-1988), Radar (Library has: 1972-1983), and Périodex (Library has: 1972-1983).

  • Érudit

    • Provides access to Francophone and Canadian peer reviewed journals in North America. A publishing platform for scholarly and cultural journals, books, proceedings, theses, documents, and data developed by a nonprofit Canadian publishing consortium founded in 1998. Archival runs of journal publications published prior to a moving wall of current content are available through open access, while the remainder is available through subscription.


    • Contains the back issues of several hundred scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and other disciplines.


    • This digital archive offers comprehensive coverage of publications in the French language in the humanities and social sciences. It includes publications from French, Belgian and Swiss publishers. Provides access to full-text articles, e-books and book chapters. Encyclo. de poche feature provides access to encyclopedic treatment of specific topics.

  • Bibliographie d'études comparées des littératures canadienne, québécoise et étrangères (COMPCANLIT)

    • Provides access to articles, books, reviews, periodicals, and other references dealing with Comparative Canadian Literature. Covers studies that "contain a significant comparison or discussion of Canadian and/or Québécois literatures, including their production, reception, study, histories, effects and influences, in relation to each other, or in relation to other literatures of the world. In addition, the database includes research tools such as other bibliographies, reference works, anthologies, periodicals and histories for scholars, students and other readers of Canada’s and Québec’s literatures in a comparative framework.

  • Bibliographie de l’histoire de France (BHF)

    • "La BHF est un outil bibliographique et historiographique à destination de tout public intéressé par l’histoire de France.
      Elle couvre les divers domaines de la recherche historique à l'exception de la philosophie, de la littérature française et de la musique, qui disposent de leurs propres bibliographies."


    • Provides full-text access to French journals in the social and human sciences. It is possible to search all journals or a specific title. The entry for each journal title includes a timeline of dates for which only abstracts are available and dates for which full text is available.


    • Searches "over 53 million records of articles, books and conference proceedings in the fields of science, technology, medicine, humanities and social sciences ..." Indexes and Persée.

  • Persée

    • Established by the Ministère de l’éducation nationale, Persée provides access to the back files of French journals in the social and human sciences. The interface is available in both French and English.

  • ITER

    • Indexes articles, books, reviews, catalogues, and conference proceedings about the Middle Ages and Renaissance (400-1700).

  • FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals

    • Offers in-depth coverage of the world's foremost academic and popular film journals.

Print indexes