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French Culture (French Embassy in the United States)
Promotes French arts, literature and education. Emphasizes contemporary French culture in English.
Promotes scholarly work on history and culture of the Francophone world. Operates in French and English.
Le Quartier français du village planétaire
News sites, museums, government information, reference tools, literary and cultural topics, etc. In French and English.
Ressources internet (Trésor de la langue française au Québec)
TennesseeBob's Famous French Links – no longer active
Includes links to resources related to literature, history, culture, current events, and more.
Literatures (Other than English) page provides under the heading "French" a collection of useful links.
Finding French and Francophone Special Collections
Database of special collections assembled by CIFNAL
Study in France: https://www.study.eu/country/france
A general country guide
A directory of literary sites.
Femmes ecrivains et les littératures africaines
An overview of African women writers writing in French, South of the Sahara.
A subject guide from the Bosbst Library, NYU. The emphasis is on North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Caribbean.
Francophone Resources: Francophone literature and culture by area (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
French Studies: Languages, Literatures and Cultures (State University of New York, University at Albany)
DIX-NEUF: Ressources sur le dix-neuvième siècle
Maintained by the Centres d'Études du 19e Siècle Français at the University of Toronto, this site has excellent links to 19th century writers, as well as many other 19th century resources by subject.
Francophonie (Government of Canada)
"Everything you have ever wanted to know about Canadian and international Francophonie can be found here."
French Language Resources: ACADEMIC INFO
Online resources for learning to read & write French.
For those learning French as foreign language.
A guide to language resources on the web, including French.
Linguistic Resources: SIL
Trésor de la langue française au Québec
Provides scholarly information for research in history and usage of French in Québec.
Office Québecois de la langue française (French Canadian)
The use and defense of French language in North America
Ressources linguistiques en français québécois
Links to useful resources for learning Quebec French.
A compilation of free language learning materials.
An educational cybre-magazine that offers exercises, tests, and games for learning French.
Numerous links to learning and teaching French.
ACÉF-XIX: Association canadienne des études francophones du XIXe siècle
ALCQ-ACQL: Association des littératures canadiennes et québécoises - Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures
APFUCC: Association des professeur.e.s de français des universités et collèges canadiens
Fédération internationale des Professeurs de français (FIPF)
Ressources internet: Centres de recherche, organismes linguistiques et associations (Trésor de la langue française au Québec)
Access: to subscribe, e-mail listserv@univ-lyon1.fr. Message: "SUBSCRIBE Afrique firstname lastname".
A bilingual discussion forum for scholars and teachers. Topics covered: linguistics, philosophy, history, social topics, and teaching.
Interactive map of Paris showing where artists lived and worked, spanning the period of 1675 to 1793
Writings on art and design from the early years of the French Revolution
French Revolution Digital Archive
Collaborative collection built by Stanford University and the Bibliothèque nationale de France