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This page provides links to:
Streaming versions of feature films from major Hollywood and international distributors.
Stream thousands of films for free, through your university WatIAM credentials.
National Film Board of Canada Campus collection
Licensed access to the National Film Board's online streamed videos and additional titles in the CAMPUS collection.
Check out the Climate Change collection.
The Media Resources Library has a collection of audiovisual material available for streaming. Content available through this service is accessible to all members of the Waterloo community. If you would like a streaming link you can share with your class, please contact media.loans@uwaterloo.ca with the title name and course code.
The Geospatial Centre is located on the third floor in the Dana Porter Library. The hours of operation are different than the library building, therefore please check before heading over. The Centre has a range of resources:
*One of the key takeaways is that staff will scan your map and email it to you,
Research guides to help you get started:
Historical Topographic Map Digitization Project
Special Collections & Archives houses almost 60,000 rare books and close to 17,000 periodicals which cover a broad range of subjects supporting the research and teaching functions of the University of Waterloo. Material in the collection dates from 1493 to the present day and includes works on dance, women’s studies, urban planning, the history of mathematics and computing, and private press imprints among others. All items can be located using the Library catalogue by first entering your search terms, and then selecting the “Dana Porter Library - Special Collections & Archives" facet, under Waterloo Library.
Microsoft Word - University of Waterloo Carbon-Neutral Investment Policy
October 19 2020 without names.docx (wordpress.com)
Proposal Drafted by Fossil Free UW
Submitted to the University of Waterloo Board of Directors
October 19, 2020
Bibliography and some full text of articles, monographs, book chapters, and grey literature including science and technical reports, theses, dissertations and conference papers.
Coverage: 1974 - present
Another search option for ODESI
Full text documents and statistical sets from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Coverage: 1998 - present
For financial and accounting research. It makes available: COMPUSTAT North America, CRSP, Corporate Library, Mergent FISD, and NYSE TAQ.
Coverage: varies
Data on Racialized Populations (Scholars Portal)
Global GIS (Geospatial Centre)
Human Activity and the Envrionment (StatsCanada)
National Centers for Environmental Information
Rural Land Statistics (StatsCanada)
Canadian Centre for Science and Education (CCSE)
Canadian Conservation and Land Management (CCLM) Knowledge Network (cclmportal.ca)
contains three main research areas:
"The site provides a diverse range of content, including academic journal articles, projects, reports, fact sheets, newsletters, videos, an interactive map and more. The CCLM is a collaboration between Ducks Unlimited Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada Science and Technology Branch, InnoTech Alberta, the National Boreal Caribou Knowledge Consortium, Natural Resources Canada – Canadian Forest Service, and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology - Centre for Boreal Research. " (source: CCLM webpage)
University of Oklahoma
The Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences
Institute for Environmental Genomics
"[T]he International Forum on Advanced Environmental Sciences and Technology (iFAST) seminar series. iFAST aims to provide an interactive forum to bring eminent scientists together to share their most recent advances in environmental sciences and technology with interested students, faculty, and other researchers. It also provides an opportunity to foster interdisciplinary networking among environmental researchers, engineers, and the general audience."
Ecology seminars recommended by Waterloo Ecology Network (WEN) EcoEvo Journal Club
Main Seminars (ou.edu)
International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
IPCC Reports
Restoration Resource Center A project of the Society for Ecological Restoration (ser-rrc.org)
"Ecological restoration is a young field that depends on knowledge gained through experience to advance the field. Yet, knowledge and advancements are often held in silos of individual practitioners, organizations, reports, community presentations, conferences, and scientific publications. Even at a local scale it can be difficult to understand where projects are happening, what their goals are, or whether projects are successful; at the national or global scale, this becomes impossible.
In 2017, SER launched the Restoration Resource Center to overcome knowledge silos and serve as a principle clearinghouse for information sharing on ecological restoration. Through its searchable databases, the RRC provides practitioners, researchers, educators, students, policy makers, and the public with access to resources, publications, webinars, projects, conference presentations, and information on leaders in the restoration field."
The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine / The National Academy Press (NAP)
The United Nations Sustainable Goals
#1. Poverty
#2, Hunger
#3. Health
#4. Education
#5. Gender
#6. Water
#7. Energy
#8. Economics
#9. Infrastructure
#10. Inequality
#11. Cities
#12. Consumption
#13. Action
#14. Oceans
#15. Biodiversity
#16. Justice
#17, Partnerships
Search strategies and book series for the goals from a variety of sources:
An example of the search strategy for Inequality:
TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( equality AND ( economic OR financial OR socio-economic ) ) OR ( inequality AND ( economic OR financial OR socio-economic ) ) OR {economic reform policy} OR {economic reform policies} OR {political inclusion} OR {social protection policy} OR {social protection policies} OR ( immigration AND NOT ( chemistry OR disease OR biodiversity ) ) OR ( emigration AND NOT ( chemistry OR disease OR biodiversity ) ) OR {foreign direct investment} OR {development gap} OR {development gaps} OR {migrant remittance} OR {responsible migration} OR {migration policy} OR {migration policies} OR {north-south divide} OR ( developing AND ( {tariffs} OR {tariff} OR {zero-tariff} OR {duty-free access} ) ) OR {social exclusion} OR {economic marginali?ation} OR {income inequality} OR {discriminatory law*} OR {discriminatory policies} OR {discriminatory policy} OR {economic empowerment} OR {economic transformation} OR ( {global market} AND {empowerment} ) ) )
Review from Choice: Current reviews for academic libraries, by Stoehr, states:
Stoehr, J. (2019). UN iLibrary. CHOICE: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 56(10), 1234+. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A589126340/LitRC?u=uniwater&sid=bookmark-LitRC&xid=05f9ce20